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RE: Steem Budget Proposals Whitepaper!

in #steem7 years ago

An app that enables people to voluntarily commit funds to proposals they like

That's like tipping, good luck with that!

and practically impossible to accomplish. Blockchains are not designed to be changed willy-nilly.

That's very disappointing to hear, the reason I've sold all my BTC for STEEM was because I saw a team of developers that were very reactive and not afraid to take risks ( How many forks on steem again?) But you guys sound like bitcoin core now...this means the curation reward system is never gonna get fixed, time to reconsider my investment I guess.


Steem is able to iterate faster than any other blockchain, but that doesn't make it an easy thing. But these are just my personal views, everyone should of course evaluate the situation for themselves, push the proposals they are passionate about, submit pull requests and consult with the witnesses. I'm just throwing in my 2 cents.