All of them have written very interesting articles
Please give me the links to the articles you believe are relevant. It is impossible to follow every single blockchain project.
All of them have written very interesting articles
Please give me the links to the articles you believe are relevant. It is impossible to follow every single blockchain project.
Ok these are articles from projects that are just now entering mainnet. Their main difference from steem being they are platforms preparing to enable groups to set up a huge range of DAOs, including steem style registries. I think these articles are relevant and might help you in the direction you going.
On token curated registries
Grading content on a TCR with up and down votes:
Daostack article on decentralized governance
"What community governance actually entails"
Thread on governance algorithms:
These articles are from:
Argon - their "newspaper" is here (
District0x - another project to look at