doesn't have to be boron specifically, here are 11 ways how to decalcify your pineal gland:
- Eliminate or reduce meat intake. Meats, especially heavier ones like beef and pork, are very acidic. An acidic ph balance is not conducive for a healthy, decalcified pineal gland.
- Drink alkaline or distilled water. Alkaline water is electrifying and distilled water removes heavy toxins and metals out of the human body.
Avoid fluoride. Fluoride is toxic to the human system. Use non-fluoride toothpaste. Most tap water in the US is fluoridated so drink alkaline or distilled water.
Practice Sungazing. Taking in the Sun’s energy when it is orange or setting/rising is tremendously beneficial for the pineal gland and decalcification. You can do this daily for 3-5 minutes, it doesn’t take long. Your pineal is a crystal and reacts remarkably to our Sun.
Eat more greens & vegetables. The more alkaline foods you get into your system the more you are feeding the pineal gland and other crucial parts of your being. Foods that have been charged with sunlight are electrifying and pineal decalcifying!
Avoid mercury. Mercury is extremely toxic. Most vaccines and tooth fillings are mercury-based. However, nowadays, most dentist are using non-mercury based fillings. If you have mercury fillings in your teeth, a holistic dentist can remove them.
Maintain positive thoughts and actions. This may seem a little elementary or not “deep enough” but, there is great power in your state of mind. Thoughts can also be toxic.
Take Blue Green Algae and other chlorophyll rich “superfoods”. This is similar to eating more veggies but adding a more powerful punch. Other superfoods include chlorella, spirulina, sea moss, and wheatgrass.
Use herbs. Herbs like mugwort, wood betony, alfalfa, parsley, and gotu kola have wonderful healing properties. You can make a tea or grind it and sprinkle on a salad, or it can be smoked as part of a ritual.
Don’t use fluorescent bulbs. The standard, cheap light bulbs are very inconsistent with the natural light spectrum. Your pineal gland is light-sensitive. It’s also important to sleep in complete darkness, if possible.
Place a crystal on your brow chakra daily. Meditating with a crystal is energetically beneficial for pineal decalcification. Some of the favorites are amethyst, clear quartz, sodalite, and lapis lazuli.
from: (linked in my post above)
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