
I just called you out on the "no one talked about fork requirements at all". Before you ask why, ask if. Then you took about a quest to discredit me. You fail to see that it is not about me in particular. I just want the witnesses to each state what they want before they complain about not getting it.

So you've actually just said you've been absent for the last two years then, lol, what the hell do you think witnesses outside the inner circle jerk have been DOING for two years?

We've been pretty clear about what we want.

Then tell me: What are your personal criteria for adopting a hard fork as a witness? Link me to a post from two years ago.

Nice try, but you know or should know everything here happens in "secret" chats lol.

If you operate in secret, don't complain about the secrets. If you want less secrets, be transparent. If you call others out about your own shortcomings, that only reflects on your character.

Yer so right, I'm a bad, bad man.

There are things so over your head going on in this chain that you are being used by that I can't even begin to explain it to you, because smart people, can be made to sound like crazy people, by uniformed people. Or maybe you are informed, which could be applied the same way.

Either way, you'll go on and on with your position, and short of spelling it all out for you, suffice it to just end here. This conversation you think you are participating in, happening between the lines of my public remarks here with people who are not even visible responding here (nor have they ever) on the chain, is over your head and really doesn't concern you, nor is it a conversation with you and you'll find that out soon enough.

You are however neatly conforming to exactly what they need you to do, by continuing.

And so the conspiracy revolves :) See you around!