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RE: Clarifying my decision not to support EOS-related posts and witnesses (100% of post rewards donated to curation initiatives)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Heh, my team does all three and then some, and we are insistent that witnesses should be using the platform. I'm well over the excuses that we never see top 20s because they are busy working on stuff. Some of which materializes, some of which doesn't. Meanwhile my team mate and i spend about 140 hours a week a piece here. literally putting in 20 hour days.

Also I think that at least the top 20 should also run full RPC and seed nodes, required or not, and the only reason I don't is because the servers currently cost more than a level 63 witness can afford without a revenue stream here, and because all our projects are free tools, charitable, communities or otherwise not revenue generators, for now, i am waiting to see if appbase and rocksdb can make the currently still vaporous claims of major ram requirement reductions come true. Even if I had the rev to stand up a full node today, id wait for hf20 now or just be downsizing a couple month old expensive node and rebuilding anyway at this point.


I totally agree. There is no way we can possibly compete with a project that has as much funding and support as EOS without everyone at the top making this their fulltime, parttime an side gig all in one.