Is newsteem just trying to improve content and think that bidding bots are the root? I dont think that post payouts and trending posts have the best content. I think it's more about the how long you've been on steemit, how interactive you are with the community and how many people have added you to their auto voters.

Fact, some of the biggest shit posters out there get really good post payouts and into top trending cause they are super interactive and get lots of auto votes are maybe they have friends with deep STEEM wallets. All i know is that content quality is over rated when it come to post payouts and trending posts.

What else is newsteem goals? Apart from trying to improve content quality by downvoting posts what else do they do? I mean they downvote good and bad content and it's mostly auto downvote without checking the content using a bot. If this is the main goal, they are doing very poorly as there actions have nothing o do with content quality. If you spend a few minutes and look upvotes instead, newsteem upvote each other same as oldsteem did before, same guys. They already have there own clicks and circle of friends.

If you greedy person not interested in producing content that you are interested in writing, then you should become newsteem and get paid. It will require kissing dick and being a fanboy. So, all you would have to do is follow a couple of these big playa newsteem whales and see what they are posting out. Give well thought out comments, the sooner the better. The whales are most likely to upvote the first few comments. After you done kissing ass in the comments, you need a produce a post. Write a good post based on the same content that the whale wrote about, even tag them into the post and write about all the stuff you agree on together like you besties and to make sure they see the post. Of course they will agree and upvote your post cause they have recently wrote a post about the same thing. Rinse and repeat the process with different whales, after 1-2 years you'll have all the STEEM and be a regular trending producer. You can gain bonus points with these guys by following them around and defending them in comment wars they get involved into concerning their downvoting activities.
If you'd prefer to stick to your smaller decentralized communities were you have a say and can write about what your heart loves, then your oldsteem. You'll not make as much money but your steemit experience will be a happier one with less drama. This is only my point view based on the what i have seen., show me something different.
It will be interesting to see if this post gets downvote's even it i have not used any bidding bots service, maybe this statement will cancel them from doing it. Let's find out how decentralized steemit really is
Im not sure if steemit is better after HF21. Alot of people are saying it has changed lots but i dont see it, i know post rewards changed but im talking about the actual steemit content that i see. Now, i get downvotes for using tipU on my posts but STEEM is 13 cent so im not really caring atm to be honest from this account. HF21 was pushed forward by #newsteem which i dont really understand. What is newsteem? It looks like the same guys that were oldsteem, did a group of witnesses break off to form newsteem? I have not done any research for this post so im basically asking.
As I have said below it really seems to do as you stated hit a bots but I have seen multiple members using the same bots and then celebrate closings of good community bots due to their pressure.
They don't really care about community or bid bots it is abput control. It's their way or they threaten you with down votes that smaller accounts cant handle.
Appreciate ya bro!
Posted using Partiko Android
It's not for STEEM. All them bot's they kill off power down and exchange there STEEM for BTC putting downward pressure on the price.
It'll not stop me using tipU but will others. Thanks for your comment dude and i agree they could care less about communities.
Crikeys, where did you find that circle jerk pick? I am both amused and appalled.
Might need to add a NSFW tag to the post. LOL.
Yeah, it looks like NSFW but i think it's right on the edge. I got it from google search "steemit circle jerk"
Yeah lots of people trying to force people to play the game with thier rules.
And the new flagging system sucks. Really does. Got my stalker RawPussy all up on my nuts and flagging. I couldn't care less. He don't have enough power to stop Ganjafarmer.
But yeah people wasting effort and trying to control others with flags.
They'll not stop anyone, just piss alot of people off.
So far, the top 5 bidding bots have dropped about around 4 million in SP. Where's does all that SP go? To the exchange to be converted in BTC, thats where and hence the huge drop in STEEM price since HF21. They are destroying the whole thing based on their own greed and stupidness.
Smoke on my friend
Blaze it! But of course now it's more affordable for people to buy in...
Which devalued our work.
I don’t really think so much that newsteem has a “definition” per se. I’d say newsteem can be defined numerous ways depending on how you wanna look at it.
It’s always about perception and what I’m seeing is more manual curation. Before Hf 21/22, I barely got any upvotes from manual curators. It seems like this has seriously changed since the software updates
There are obviously other good things too, but newsteem is certainly far from being perfect
Thanks for your post, silverstacker
Posted using Partiko iOS
The reward for manual creation deals more with the payout change and I am ok with that.
Would like to know the other obvious good things you see just curious.
In terms of New steem I have seen them celebrate the shut down of community bots with good standards and content. All while a good number of them use bidbots themselves but then claim that all bid bots are bad. Down voting all good content with them. If your focus is content based then it should impact your decision. Additionally, blanket silliness of this kind makes people leave.
Just my view and was interested in ypur take. Have a good one.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah overall distribution of rewards being changed and affecting manual curation efforts is great. Before haejin was the highest paid author and now he’s not benefiting as much from newsteem by posting... it’s a good way to help keep other people happy. It matters for the future of steem and I’m glad things are changing for the better.
The changes I was referring to are really all encompassing surrounding the payout redistribution since manual curation has increased, payout amongst smaller accounts has increased and overall exposurability has increased. It’s just a better place overall
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yeah I am OK, too, with the reward redistribution changes; it has incentivized the curation efforts.
Other obvious positives are the downvotes, taking crap away from trending and putting those rewards back into the pool as well as the death of bidbots and their rebirth as manual curators !
Posted using Partiko iOS
My question is does content matter when looking at bidbots? Also if you(the community sense not you specifically) are so against them why do those that preach that use them. Also if a bid bot has standards its different than just a generic. If you're against them that's fine. I just think it's hypocritical for people to downvote content that's good all for one specific thing. Additionally, then turn around and use the same bit bot they are crying about on another post on theirs.
My whole argument is content matters no matter how the up votes are getting there. Additionally I find it funny that those pushing the end of bed Bots have bought a lot of their power. A bit but is exactly the same pretty much. You are paying in order to try and increase your steam just like when you buy it at an exchange. I don't expect you to agree with me but I think we should all agree that content is a main factor and down voting in a blanket sense does not help anybody.
Posted using Partiko Android
Old steem, new steem? Well the way I see it is, newsteem was once old steem, when they where old steem bad shit happened to the platform which resulted in newsteem. Old steem players bought a lot of steem, new steem players cant sale their steem, its a last ditch effort to make some of their money back. One thing for sure that is happening is we are becoming centralized, when in fact most of us are here because we where decentralized. Fuck I am as lost as the rest of everyone running around steemit. I wrecken when all the dust settles you will have 20 to 30 steemians left all voting each other. Then they can call themselves #mysteem.
lmfao @ mysteem. I could see that happening
I would 100% agree they are trying to get their money back, if i had bought 100+k STEEM with when prices were $1-3 i would be doing the same but without fucking a bunch of people over. Im as lost as you my friend, we seen whats happened with Precious last week and it had very little to do with content and alot fo do with control.
At least we always have #steemsilvergold
I don't even know you any more.... I ❤️ #newsteem hahahaha!!
Great Post buddy and exactly sums up my thoughts too.
Same damn place, same damn people, same damn bullshit.
What was the Sarah Palin line she got shit for?
The circle jerk shot is probably the most appropriate and is the truth of the platform. Hell, any monetized media in fact. "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." or something like that. But that is pretty much all we get with #newsteem, a gussied up hog that likes to get abused.