Welcome To The Most Upvoted Steemit Post EVER...

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Well that's my goal anyway...

I wanted to share with you my first 72 hours on Steemit. What I think of this platform, why I immediately invested $2000 USD into STEEM and why I decided to convert that into SteemPower shortly after that.

First of all, I'm here for the long haul (and if you're smart you will be too, I'll explain why in a bit.)

Let me start off by introducing myself...

My name is Jayson.

I've lived on the beautiful island of Maui for the past decade or so all thanks to paying attention to emerging trends on the internet like Steemit.

And to be honest with you I'm more excited about things like Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain than any other subject I have been in my entire life.

AND out of all the things in the Blockchain/Crypto space I'm MOST excited about Steemit.


Well, for the first time in our lifetime we as a species have given birth to the technology that has the power to set us all free from the limiting systems we were all born into.

I don't know about you but I'm not a big fan of things like Big Government, Central Banks, and Authority figures in general.

I'm a bit of an Anarchist.

I couldn't sit still in school, and being forced to go to church as child was like a prison sentence for my soul.

It's also the reason why I choose to live in a jungle shack on the most remote chain of islands in the world.

But honestly the internet has always felt like home to me. 

And Steemit Is Officially My New Home On The Internet!

Of course, the biggest benefit being discussed about Steemit is the Money.

We've all seen or been pitched by some network marketing junkie on some new social network where we can get paid for what we post, but NOTHING like this before...

I threw up a few posts within my first few hours of being here and earned $72 USD.

Nothing to write home about I know, and as I've explained in previous posts, I'm not necessarily here for that but I'm sure I'll earn lots of it and so will you if you pay attention to my tips in this post.


If you don't I would recommend getting some now.

It's pretty easy...If you've ever done a Bitcoin transaction before everything will be familiar to you. 

  1. Just click on the little picture of yourself in the top right corner.
  2. Click Wallets.
  3. Click Buy or Deposit Steem.

Then choose your amount and either buy or make your deposit.

I originally bought STEEM as an investment on Bittrex until I watched this video by the creators of Steemit @Ned & @Dan on @Blocktalk's latest post. If you haven't watched it, it would be a good idea to watch it now or come back to this post and read it when you have time. Again, if you have time DO IT NOW! You'll thank me for it later :)

Also if you want to know the difference between STEEM the currency and STEEMPOWER (a more long-term commitment & investment to this platform) read this informative post by @donkeypong

After watching this video I was officially "All-In" with the Steemit vision, business model, and income potential. This platform is going to make lots of people who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity incredibly wealthy.

Don't worry, Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, or any Fiat Currency is not accepted here. (and that's a good thing...)

In fact as far as I know this is one of the only applications on the Blockchain that I know of that has NO fees whatsoever, yep zero!

And for those of you who heard about Bitcoin from one of your nerd friends early on but didn't act on it and are kicking yourself in the pants for not investing way back when (doh!). Now's your chance to invest in something that has way more potential. Not just as an investment but an activity you can do daily with literally no cap on how much you can make.

All You Have To Do Is Bring The Value...

Also try and keep your selfie's to your self ladies & gentlemen.

Actually if you're a girl, I take that back! Use what God gave you ladies because Steemit is hyper-receptive to women and there's some awesome females on here crushing it! And of course there's a lot of nerdy dudes here, myself included so naturally we're going to like your stuff!

Here's an example:

I've been paying attention to the Popular posts everyday and I noticed a girl named tara posted a short intro of herself, was about 3 paragraphs long and she's already #3 on the most popular Steemit posts list.

So post away ladies your posts are valued here!

Steemit Is Not About ME It's About WE.

Steemit is a community based platform with upvoting & downvoting much like Reddit, so you can't fake it. Spammers, marketers, and desperate MLM promoters need not apply. (well you can, but you're going to have to change your ways in order to thrive here!)

Unlike Facebook or Instagram, Steemit's not about your opinion or pictures of your kids & pets, or your breakfast burrito for that matter, that shit won't fly here.

Or how about this one?

Sorry, couldn't help myself I promise not to ever do anything like that to you again :)

Ok back to business...Naturally, most people are not going to get that in the beginning and will talk about themselves, which is ok. The Steemit voting system will teach you like a no solicitors sign how to bring your A-game quick.

This is a collective platform created by smart people that attracts smart people. People who want to learn, grow, evolve, connect, and get paid for their knowledge, wisdom, and life experiences.

It's really the perfect place to be if you want to discuss cutting edge topics like Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, photography, yoga, humor, life, whatever floats your boat there is an audience out there waiting for you.

And if you're already a well-known content creator, a blogger, a youtuber, bring them here duh! Might as well get paid for all your hard work :)

We want to get to know you but for the most part keep your drama and story to yourself except in the IntroduceYourself thread, then feel free to talk our ear off!

We want to know about your experiences with certain subjects, what your skills are, and how you're using them to better your life and improve the lives of those around you.

Tell us about your passions and adventures, and how you're making a career out of them. There's a lot of people out there who are still stuck in mediocrity, grinding it out in the rat race that could use a dose of your authentic inspiration.

Now On To The Best Part...The MONEY! It's Like Bitcoin All Over Again (Only Better...)

I finally joined Steemit a few weeks after my friend @Rok-Sivante posted a link on my Facebook page. And just quick disclaimer I advertise on Facebook for a living and make a lot of money doing it. I'm perfectly fine there, I could stay there and continue to do well.

But let's face it Facebook's LAME. The Zuck had his day and now it's our time to shine!

Anyways enough ranting so my friend Rok caught my attention by showing his stats of earning around $4k USD during his first few weeks on Steemit. He wrote a post about it called Holy Shit, Steemit is LEGIT. (Dollas in the BANK. Holla!) that you can read here.

I thought that was pretty cool. Considering he lives in Bali that kind of dough goes a long way. In Maui, not so much I'd probably have that spent in a few weeks at Whole Foods but still the proof is in the pudding!

Create good content, get paid like a Rok star! (no pun intended)

So What Are You Waiting For?

Put your Bitcoin where your mouth is and get ALL-IN with Steemit today because who know's where it's headed or how far it will go?

I believe the social component combined with the payout structure will cause Steemit to spread faster and go more viral than any other application on the Blockchain so far.

I'm invested in Ethereum and several other cryptocurrencies, I've got Bitcoin, I'm mining it, I'm trading it, and I invested in the Dao as well. And while I like those things, they are slow movers compared to Steemit.

Strap in is all I can say! Put a seatbelt on your chair and sit your ass down for a bit, write a few posts, see what happens.

You'll be glad you did!


p.s. If you read this far, thank you very much. I hope you got some value from this post. If you have any questions about my experience with Steemit so far feel free to ask them below or cryptocurrencies, entrepreneurship and or psychedelic plant medicines haha I'd be happy to respond, Aloha :)

p.s.s. And of course if you're feeling generous give me a vote so I can reach the goal of this post!


I must attest, having built a strong digitally-based friendship with Jayson over the last 6+ years, that he is one bad-ass, cool, crazy, sexy mothafucka!

Dude is an under-the-radar superstar. Watch out for this cat, kids.

He also introduced me to some fucking mind-blowing energy tech that COMPLETELY transformed my life. It didn't register when he first told me to spend $5000 on some books to put under my bed and get into this weird site called "Love Innersity" - and it took me a couple years to follow his advice. But HOLY FUCK, when I did... 😳🚀🌔

So if this dude says to pay attention to something... Probably wise to do it.

HUGE smile came across my face logging onto Steemit and seeing his face on the first page. The community is blessed to have him here. 😊🙏

It's fun to see how many anarchists/voluntaryists dreaming about a better world have found there way to Steemit. Welcome. This is going to be a fun ride. :)

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Hi there and welcome onboard :). Very interesting intro. Cant wait to check out your contents in the coming days!

Anyway someone should start a question on Augur and bet if this will be the most upvoted post ever lol

That was just my evil marketing mojo at work Kevin, thanks for exposing me to Augur though! I highly doubt it will be but if I hit the #1 spot for a day I'll be happy :)

I like your ideas and the identity that you chose to present :) I've been writing here for close to a month now. Been having lots of fun. Check out some of my stuff (I've been trying different topics and tones). If you're interested, hit me up on Slack. I'm looking for collabs and ideas to bounce around for content creation :)

Definitely Kevin! Same username?

yup the exact same! :D

Perhaps heed your own advice and "bring the value". All I see is a marketing ploy to maximise traffic and therefore your $. This post epitomises a fundamental flaw in Steem. People creating content worth paying attention to would make it regardless of the financial incentive. They're called artists! You on the other hand are a businessman.

I'm both baby. I'm not ashamed of it either, if you have a problem with sales or marketing that's your deal not mine. I'm pretty transparent and authentic about what I'm doing here. You simply cannot see the value sprinkled throughout this post because of your judgement towards my career choice.

Yes, you are transparent to a point. The "value sprinkled throughout" is hollow because we cannot all make money using this platform. This post is shamelessly designed to get up votes. It reminds me of those pop-ups promising the secret to getting rich, but of course, they don't have substance either. People can fool themselves into believing anything if they are desperate enough for it to be true, I personally wouldn't play upon that for personal gain. As it happens I work in marketing and it's given me a good nose for bullshit.

This is coming from the guy with no posts or contribution to this community whatsoever. I've invested over $5,000 of my own money into this platform and the currency that backs it. I'm sharing that with people, if that's not value I don't know what is. It's easy to talk shit from the sideline but if you've got something better to offer other than publically projecting your own jealousy on me, let's see it waterboy!

Go easy on the kid, Jay... He'll get sooner or later that trolls don't belong here and crawl back under the bridge... :-)

Congratulations on being so wealthy, it will probably be a very profitable investment. That doesn't make you a philanthropist, but if you want to give $5000 away I could suggest a few charities. Something better to offer, how about this quotation from Bukowski: “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

Hey We want you in this Club
Steemit Best Blogger's Show ( Live Interveiws )
Dr. Alan Weinstein, Inventor of the Seemit Bloggers KIller App, We Blow Fire for Steem Power

Yeahhhhh brudddddahhhhh!!!

The smile on my face when I saw yours on the trending page... :-D

Glad to see you've joined the party, and welcome aboard!! 💖👊🏽😉

All part of my evil plan. Taking screenshots along the way :)

I used to live on Maui in Kihei. Met my wife and got married there. Howzit brah? Stoked to see you on Steem!

Aloha :) I'm in Kihei right now. What a coincidence!

Very well written and helpful article!

I too may buy some Steem. It seems like a good investment. At the least, I do not plan to sell anything I've made here so far. In it for the long haul!

Question on the psychedelic plants... do you listen to any music when you partake? I'm a huge fan, and occasional podcaster, of psychedelic music. On the chance that you listen to that kind of thing while using your medicines, maybe you can turn me on to some new tunes!

Drums & Rattles? Haha, Kenny, that was a bit of a joke based on my introduce yourself post. As I'm actually headed to Mexico to participate in an Iboga retreat. I don't take these things lightly and back when I did do them at home with music, it was mainly mushrooms and Shpongle to answer your question. If you read my introduce yourself post, you'll see that I am building a company with a few close friends called Subtle Energy Sciences ( http://Subtle.Energy )

Check out some of the products we have listed there, no psychedelics required. They aren't really based on sound but on subtle energetic frequencies and torsion field technology made from simple shapes.

If you were a stock I'd slap a big fat buy rating on you Jayson. A really elegantly crafted and engaging piece, I hope you can do well here and offer heaps more value!

It's 1am here I could've sworn I just read "I'd slap a big fat guy all over you" rubs eyes, ah ok, a stock! Thank you wingz :)

haha, I might have missed a comma :O

you are a cool dude, the way you write says so :)

Thank you Craig!

Great article. You have my vote, however, when I click on "vote", I don't see anything happen. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you Ty. You actually just hit the little Up arrow next to the $ sign. That's how you do it. Appreciate it :)

Nice post; good luck in your quest! :-D


Appreciate your support @cryptogee!

Found you from Youtube dude..Nice post!

Awesome, the video I shot with Joby from Necker? Nice to meet you @stealthtrader :)

you went to Necker Island? Did you kitesurf? What is the link of the vid? Welcome btw.... If you talk about the selfie time & ladies... I mimicked one of those posts in my intro ::

:) Mahalo nui loa!

Ah now I see the vid you did. Cool!

Thanks man you too and I think so.. It was with some guy who invests in solar i think

Yes, that's him! My brother from another mother who initiated me into the Crypto world.

Well your videos were the same for me bro so really thank you :D

Finally! exciting times ahead for the anarchists :-)

that pun was most certainly intended

Great post @silentpower !
Here are some posts to help you get more traction and exposure to your Steemit posts, startup, business or self:

[HOW TO] Public Relations Training For Startups, Steemers & Steemit: PART 1

[HOW TO] Public Relations Training For Startups, Steemers & Steemit: PART 2

[HOW TO] Public Relations Training For Startups, Steemers & Steemit: PART 3

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you become more successful!

@michaelx awesome! Thank you, I'm probably the worst PR dude in existence so I will definitely dig into this!

Nice to have you here!

Thanks for having me :) Happy to be here!

Wow you really Steemed it like you meaned it here

Yep dropped a real Cleveland Steemer here :)

What a positivity about steemit. This is the second time today that someone is so overwhelmingly positive. A Bitcoin guy on youtube that found out about steemit, was equally enthusiastic. At this pace Steem will become something unstoppable.

It's definitely something to be excited about Diego! Thanks for participating in the discussion.

nice hair

You like that? It's chopped off a bit since then but it's on it's way back.

Hello! Thank you for the article. I like it. I do not know english , translated with the translator . I learned a lot of new Steem, it's interesting. Steem is cool and very interesting. Please Steem more information , I will translate it and share with Russian users .

Great post @silentpower. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading it. Welcome to steemit.

Lol wish I would've known about the "15 minute like rule" before this post..

I was the first like on this one :/


Really good article, and very usefull. Thanks silentpower. Voteup for this article

Good luck to you my friend. I wish you luck in your journeys.

Rock on, this platform is a game changer.. glad to see you get it

Aloha Marco :) nice to see you here too, was great connecting with you on Skype and looking forward to rocking out this brave new world with you.

Thanks for the post. Very informative. I get the idea behind the site, and the appeal of using crypto-currency, what I don't understand is how bitcoin operates, and how to navigate that system. Any chance you'll be explaining bitcoin?

@meowmeow ive got a video on YouTube called "Why not investing in Bitcoin now will be the biggest financial regret of your life". I recommend watching that.

But basically Bitcoin is pretty much the only cryptocurrency to have reached semi-mass acceptance. The first thing I would do is go to Coinbase.com and setup your first Bitcoin wallet. It's free. Then you can hook your bank account up to it and purchase some Bitcoin. Once that's all setup you can click on your wallet here and buy some Steem or even better SteemPower. I'm personally invested in both. I wish I had some training videos to walk through how to get started with Bitcoin A-Z but I don't at the moment. You can do it though! Good luck :)

Thanks so much silentpower! This will make for a great starting point, thank you!

you post and your charisma is fascinating. thanks for sharing ur interesting story about getting really paid with those juicy seem bucks :)