You are misunderstanding, the price will also go down and some users might lose some influence, but it won't matter because they bought it already and that increased the price. Some new users will want more influence which will increase the price again, then the price might go down,etc..but the idea is that more people will buy steem power to get influence than people will sell the steem power that they already bought.
No, i completely understand what youre saying is going to happen (Even the impossible part about there being more buyers than sellers). In your perfect world, the price will fluctuate, but generally trend upwards. In our real world, the price fluctuates, but generally trends downwards.
The problem is, you have no rational foundation for your claim that these changes you want to make will actually change create a higher demand for steem. There were people saying in july and august, about the current rewards system, the exact same thing you are saying now.
Your logic is basically circular. Getting rid of cuation rewards is a good idea because it will increase the price of steem. How do you know it will increase the price of steem? Because its a good idea. How do you know its a good idea. Duh, because it will increase the price of steem.
How is that impossible? Most users will want to build up their power especially if they see significant gain in their influence.
The price is falling right now because there are a bunch of whales that just want to get out. If you look at active users on this forum most are not powering down.
I suggest you look at the cryptocurrency chart since 2012
This is ridiculous, the july price spike was a bubble.
So people buying steem power to gain more influence is irational to you?
What value do you find in a system run by bots ?
Why would giving influence to 99.8% of steemians not be a good idea?