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RE: Steem Price is Going Down... And it's OK to be Pissed

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I've trained myself to simply not follow the markets at all during red phases. All that does is pressure oneself to make irrational choices.

Crypto has been going up and down since its advent, there's never a reason to expect a particular low to be the death blow.

Have sex with your girlfriend. Go fishing, or something.

Or spend some quality time with your mother in law. That'll be so painful, the pain of a crypto downtrend isn't all that bad anymore.


Lol, well put, man! I guess yourself and I have learned to navigate that "off" switch and stay calm when many others run around screaming blond panic. A little patience and logical reflective thought are all that's needed really. However, the sheep will continue to follow... :)