Presenting CateredContent: A Modern Platform Catering for Content Creators Globally

in #steem5 years ago

CateredContent is a stage gone for giving an interface whereby content makers can investigate and misuse their true abilities with full entitilement to mouth-watering benefits all the while. CateredContent makes a biological system where content makers can associate with a wide scope of long range interpersonal communication alternatives with the point of publicizing slanting Blockchain-based activities which consequently compensates them with important digital currencies.

CateredContent, as its name infers, completely caters for the requirements of current substance makers comprehensively by furnishing a stage with first class highlights and mouth-watering benefits like it has never been knowledgeable about the cryptoshpere.

What Makes CateredContent Standout?

  • Simple Navigation/User-Friendly Interface

Dissimilar to different stages where content makers should invest energy looking for monetarily suitable undertakings to put together their substance with respect to, CateredContent has had the option to set up an easy to use interface where clients can explore through effectively and browse a wide scope of slanting ventures to compose on dependent on their inclination, in return for remunerations. With key capacities sketched out splendidly in a manner even a layman can without much of a stretch explore through, clients are certain to get the best understanding.

  • Multi-Platform Options

With CateredContent, clients have the freedom to pick different stages on which they wish to broadcast their substance. In view of the sort of venture which is made accessible, clients will have a wide scope of alternatives to look over. With top interpersonal interaction stages like Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, and a ton of others, allowing clients the chance to build their reward pool.

  • User Progress Tracking System and Ranking

CateredContent additionally gives a compelling positioning framework which will enable clients to monitor their affirm on the stage. The positioning depends on how dynamic a client is on the stage and how much exertion he puts into each venture. With full capacity to screen your advancement, it is clearly a confidence promoter to empower each client buckle down so as to go for the highest point of the log, Hence, making a biological system for solid sportsmanship.


On the off chance that there is one thing our reality isn't shy of, it is openings. The presentation of the web additionally made these open doors progressively accessible to each person. CateredContent is more that only an open door in my point of view, I consider it to be a major task which fills in as a fortification loaded up with different open doors in which each substance maker should enter into for further improvement of their remarkable aptitudes.