Tell me, what's the story about your username on Steem? Where did it come from and why did you choose it ?
Choosing a nickname, a username has always been difficult for me. I couldn't choose one that I would love so much that it could go through the ages with me.
Every time I have to register somewhere, I take a lead to think about it. And finally, I end up with something not very original.
I confess to having been ashamed of some of my teenage aliases. It doesn't help me to choose one as an adult...
Actually, I have to tell you something. For a long time, I refused to put my real name on the Internet. Already on Facebook, I didn't do it... until the day Facebook blocked my account. They knew my name. And this is scary. I had to confirm my identity and since then I can't change it (Facebook blocked the option!).
Since that day, I use my first name (when possible). Actually, it's very rare for it to be available. How lucky I was for Steem! And if not, I would have use an improved version of my first name (like my first name and year of birth... Hmm).
To choose a username is to finally stick an identity, a story, an image in the collective unconscious. If you can't choose your first name, you have this chance to choose your nickname. It's rarely a choice you're not proud of it.
So tell me, the story ! I'm curious!
How to share quality content on Steem and others tips. If you speak french you can have a look at!
You will find everything you need to start on Steem the FAQ, videos, tutos, tools etc.Join me on my profil @roxane to have more information about
If you like my work and want to support me, this is my BTC adress : 1H4faCE3f37JDi8bQqADXn4V1nQutr13oj

A LOT of people ask me about my account name. A lot. I also own the doctor and techslut on twitter and instagram. Why techslut? Well, I was a tech journalist for many years. My tagline is "Innovation Turns Me On". It's also a name that raises eyebrows because I am taking a derogatory term (slut) and owning it in relation to attraction to technological innovation. It makes it memorable, I guess. :)
I also ready you were self-proclaimed poly?
here comes the edit: once upon a time, there was a guy, alone and on the internet who wanted to be cool. However, all the cool names were already taken. He searched and searched and ultimately found his family. After seeing the movie Braveheart he thought all Scots were cool. He was also a big fan of medieval legends, because he had played too many times at WoW and other PC RPGs.
And thus, he stumbled upon the Fitzgibbon Family. A Royal Scottish family with many knights, in which the title White Knight was originally founded:
click on the image for the wikipedia entry
no, but, I also want to know about the Fitzgibbon!
edited especially for you, mew.
Now come join my Thunderclap, your white knight commands you!
yaaay! I don't have twitter. Can I still partake?
hmm, I think you'd need a twitter account to tweet..
do you have facebook?
yesss! I will unearth my long lost twitter acc for you :)
I am humbled by your kindness

Ha! What a cool-sounding name. The White and Black Knight have become dormant, so maybe nobody would mind if you decided to claim one of the titles for yourself. So which is it, Black or White? ;-)
I reserved my username on twitter in 2013. I wasn't even on twitter, I just wanted to have that name reserved - even though I didn't know for what.
I heard a lot about the "new economy" and "you economy" back then and I thought, all I want is a "connected economy" where we do business based on connection, compassion, collaboration etc, instead of corruption and competition. So I went to twitter wanting to reserve "connectedeconomy" but that was too long :) So it became @connecteconomy
Years later - after I got into crypto I realized THIS has the potential to become the connected economy i was dreaming of. So I started using it in 2017 on twitter and then also here :)
The story behind my username is quite ambitious...Hahhahaha
I've been using the username annepage in every account I make on different sites.
Being a professional writer has always been a dream of mine since I was 15. So I thought that I become a writer, I would need a pen name.
I have always believed that I could touch lives and inspire people by sharing my experiences and lessons I learned in life. By writing, no matter what kind, you subtly show what kind of person you are through your words. Without knowing who you are, people can get an idea what your perspective is and how you feel about something. Therefore, a piece of you can be found in every page that you write.
My first name is Anna, and with this belief, I came up with the pen name, annepage which I use as my username.
When I chose my user name CRYPTORG I though to combine something from the blockchain technology - cryptocurrency and something from the future - artificial intelligence, CYBORG. So, putting this things together would mean CRYPTO + ORG = CRYPTORG the CYBORG of the CRYPTOCURRENCY.

I was translating some random words when trying to figure out a name. Eventually I came across the word celestial. I like how it sounds because celeb means silver in LOTR's sindarin elvish language. See the connection: celestial (synonym to heavenly, stars are in "heaven"), celeb (silver, the color of stars).
Realizing this random(?) connection it made for a quite good pickup for a name. I'm a bit of a fan of LOTR, too. No, not such a fan I could talk elvish, just a few words have stuck with me, like celeb (for example in the name Celeborn, the husband of the elven queen Galadriel).
Oh, and then I just took the i away to make it a word of my own, celestal, still with the "soul" of the original word.
That's the etymology behind it. I actually didn't like it as my username at first but have since grown fond with it. In sindarin c is pronounced as a k, like in a word kite. But in celestial the c is pronounced like s in soft, for example. So my username can be pronounced either with a k or an s, whatever suits the best. Though I prefer pronouncing it with a k little more.
@neeqi is a nickname derived from Monique. Monique was a character I played once upon a time in my life, a persona that was far from who I actually was. The thing about toying with different identities is there is an interesting time when you sometimes begin to resonant with something you previously didn't. The mind tries to categories and analysis your identity whilst you begin to find confidence in places you never had before. Its like wearing a mask and becoming whatever character you choose. Monique to me was a character with more confidence, empowerment, motivation and sexuality than what I had at the time. There was also a whirlwind of bizarre circumstances occurring but I am glad amongst it all I was able to adapt to a concept I unintentionally created for myself. @neeqi was stylised for me by a friend who was able to experience the Monique persona, and could see how it had benefited me. I have always liked the nickname and have been using it for the last 5 years or so.
I've had my nickname for 10 years. I needed a new domain name, back when I was selling my domain to a mandala artist who needed it more than I did.
I sat down and considered who I am. I was studying yoga shortly before that with a past partner, and I always loved surfing as a teenager growing up, vacationing in S. Calf.
But I took that metaphorically, to mean "yogi" as "teacher" or master. And surfing, was just surfing the internet.
Since I was on the internet much longer than just about anyone I had ever met, having had an email address since 1983 at Intel, I felt surfyogi was a good description of someone that surfs the internet for a living.
I just used my actual name, so no story unfortunately! I thought it would be the best option as I may later decide against an alias and my name will always be the same, plus there could be name recognition across social media etc. Out of curiosity, I just checked to see if I could have got my first name but it's already taken… although he hasn't posted yet!
My name come of my passion.... create lamp with driftwood and my passion of Cap ferret in france.
Lamp of the cap... in french @lampesducap
Super ! :) Bien choisi ! Deux mots clés c'est idéal en plus au niveau SEO !
Merci pour l'avis !
Cela vient aussi de mon compte facebook... avec pas mal d'abonné !
hehe the story about my username is quite simple! I used to play a game called smash bros melee and in this game my favorite character was kirby. So first I used this as a nickname but then I moved to sweden. The Swedish word for Sweden is Sverige so that why kirby became SVirby. If you look my avatar its kirby with swedish flags on his cheeks haha
Ahah I was totally fan of Kirby when I was a kid !
Like drawing it everywhere :D
I've been using a silly nickname since I was a teen, and I figured I'd try something new for Steemit. After watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the word 'rebel' stuck in my head. It needed something else though, so I figured 'heart' would be a nice touch. Et voila, @rebelheart was born, haha.
Nothing special just my initials 😂 not very creative
robot", so one day a friend just looked at me and decided to call me a computer system (# LOLZZ) so that's where my name originated from. I figured i liked the name and decided to put a twist to it and instead of spelling SYSTEM, I came up with SISTEMHehehehe...owk, my username on steemit (@sistem) happens to be my nickname right from when I was in high school. When i was in high school, people always said i was stiff and walk like a "
My username is @steemfirst.i choose the name just because i was the first person among my 7 roomate to register on steem.they were even calling me steem guy because of the way i preach about steemit.which they later became interested .now all of us are on steemit enjoying.thanks for remembering me what was going on the time i was thinking what will i answer.
WOOOW 7 rooomy on Steem ??? :D That must be great !
If you are wondering, nope I am not full of myself because of the name D-VINE! I actually got it from the artist from the 80's ;P
I admire people ( with no bad intentions ) who are themselves, following their beliefs!! <3Hiya @roxane, my name comes from my dj/producer name I carry for over 20 years now.
I chose my name YairDD because it's the nickname I'm using everywhere. Since I was 14 and started playing video games I used the nickname YairDD ( 20 yrs now )
So it was on automatic to be honest.
My username comes from my real name, Valerie. But whenever people ask ne to spell my nickname, i dislike spelling it “Val” just bcos they will prnounce it wrongly. So i add an e just to make sure they pronounce it correctly. And later on, it sticks, i use it everywhere and soon even my friends cant spell my name correctly 😂 the “riey” is also simply because i think it looks nicer with the y.
Hey Thank you so much Valerie :D
I agree for the y, it add something ;-)
I don't have a story, I use my real name strung together because they wouldn't allow a space. I think that they should make that mandatory so that extortionists, blackmailers, trolls and other such vermin get immediate tough love from the community. Same should apply to website owners that are now hiding behind client-attorney privilege to dodge responsibility. You can't file libel/slander charges against an anonymous entity. Greetings!
Thanks a lot ! :-)
I also prefer to be honest. So I keep my integrety and be myself... so easy to hide behind a fake name, a fake profil and be a troll !
That is the first reason I followed you. The second reason is your willingness to interact in a language other than your own, like myself, and you bring some good points for discussion or information.
Ex bf insta name was lucifer. I use to call him lucy. He dosnt love me anymore but i do. I love. The name lucy.
My nickname is quite new. I needed a name for my new artistic passion, the collage. So I made one day a big brainstorming with myself (yes it's possible!) and the idea came in the light : I'm a big fan of the artistic genre "Steampunk" and I'm a big fan of the Punk music too. So, I choose the word "Keupon" which means in french slang "Punk".
SteamKeupon was born... ;-)
I looove the collage :D
Great name, great story :D
Mine is an anagram, for what?
I leave that up for you to figure out.
I can't find it :-/ In english it's tooooo complicate :D
my username its part of my name hehe..
Oh, wooow! We are on the same wave length, gurl. I was thinking about doing a post exactly about this!
Well... I love cats, and my girl cat's name is Princess Kimberly Jane, rolls eyes, Kimmi for short.
So when I was looking for a name... I thought to myself, Princess Mew Mew, Queen of All Mew Mews
Ohh a Mew Mews it's like the sounds of the cat ? :D
Hahahah! Exactly! Miaow!
blazing ;)

Uncertainty and lack of creativity. I wish I could change it now but at least it's pretty neutral.
Mes parents l'ont choisi pour moi.
I wanted to create some cryptocurrency programming videos, have done only some articles so far.
Salut 😉 D'abord le nom Y'décosi de ma boutique en ligne qui est assez simple.. Idée, deco, cosy et tadaaam idecosi.. j'ai mis la lettre Y grec, oui parce que il faut toujours mettre une petite empreinte subtile de ses origines 😂😂😂🇬🇷
Et Laytim... bon ca c'est ce qui me reste de mon ancienne vie de gamer sur world of warcraft 😉
Quite simple too. I was looking to create a daddy's community based on the happiness we can discover when we have children even if it seems impossible when we are in the daily routing.
Happy Daddy just sounded great to illustrate it !
What a well-chosen name! It reflects
(1) your own commitment to parenting and the joy you experience
(2) your belief (which I agree with) that being a father creates a unique and precious form of happiness
(3) implicit encouragement to those who hesitate to become fathers because it's too much trouble, it disrupts their lives, it costs too much money ...
Thanks !
You summarize really well what drives me every day :o)
La France a besoin de beaucoup plus de bons papas qui partagent vos sentiments!
(France needs more good fathers who share your feelings!)
(il est belge :D)
Il peut quand même servir d'exemple aux papas français ;-)
Je ne me considère pas forcément comme bon père ou en tout cas, j'ai encore tellement à faire et à découvrir pour arriver à l'idée que j'ai du père bienveillant que je sais que la route sera encore bien longue.
C'est justement l'idée du blog que j'écris sur (si on peut donner des liens hors steemit) :
Partager une aventure avec d'autres parents en proposant la mienne comme point de rencontre.
Par ailleurs, je suis convaincu qu'on dépeint une image beaucoup trop noire des pères actuellement. Quand je vois tout autour de moi, on est déjà tellement loin de l'idée qui est encore aujourd'hui véhiculée d'un père distant ne s'occupant pas des tâches ménagères et n'étant là pour les enfants que pour amuser la galerie.
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes une nouvelle génération et j'ai confiance que nous irons plus loin dans la bienveillance et l'éducation mais que nos enfants à leur tour seront meilleurs ;o)
Je suis un éternel optimiste !
I love your nickname! :) It's a very peacefull name ! I hope you can find all the Steem Happy Daddy ^^
Thanks ! :)
For the story, it was "Happy Daddy" or "Papa Câlin" (reference of one my favorite children book) but this one was already taken by a French guy.
Easy, i founded with a friend 9 years ago a cultural webzine called Beware :) it's kind of a tribute
A strange play on words between the dark side of all of us and the quiche that we all love ?