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RE: HF20 Update: Operations Stable

in #steem6 years ago

honestly we do need some popcorn here. steem could use some fun and love.

on a sidenote, flagging/voting from whales is stopping the platform from moving forward. maybe the '1 account 1 vote' coupled with human & good actor verification could be a solution. whatever is in motion for steem, whales currently have too much power, and we already know bigger stake almost never equates to benevolence.

simply put we need more decentralization. maybe even from ned himself? :)


He has burned close to $800 in rewards out of embarrassment and he has a history of this, it's not his first time publicly shaming himself. It's just another of many times.


#FreePopcornBot #PopcornBotIsInnocent #JusticeForPopcornBot #PopCornBotLivesMatter

yes, i'm concerned, even tho i still have faith in the steem blockchain..

when a platform is truly censorship resistant, ideas are fought with other free ideas, not by someone with a big stake dropping the hammer. the moment you start having a single entity create a bunch of behavioral restrictions, the only endgame is dprk.

i can understand it's always difficult for any leader to step back and be a facilitator because people naturally want control. when you create an organization, let alone a platform, it's obviously difficult (near impossible) for you to let go and have the community figure shit out (whether you like the results or not).

i got interested in steem at first because no single company is meant to control the entire blockchain. in the beginning we might even need control for a bit of structure. but if steemit inc continues to hang on to control even after SMTs then i really dunno where to go from there.

is there enough humility in that organization? :)

So you've brought out petty behavior with your own antagonizing. That doesn't sound like much has been gained here.

Was the goal here for character assassination? Because frankly, who cares...

The goal here was to put a continuous spotlight on egregious behavior. Feel free to have your opinion, I am not petty enough or thin skinned enough to flag free speech on a "decentralized" platform like our "dear leader" - but I will cite that there is context here and history with this platform that is seen and often disturbing to stake holders, of both financial and sweat equity in nature. And that is context enough for my remarks, and if Ned didn't realize that, he would be far less concerned with suppressing it.

He's trying to gaslight me, like he has many others before me. And I for one "welcome that Streisand effect."