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RE: The Importance of Dogfooding in Steemit

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Paradox here to be addressed...

No other platform has the ability to tell us in real time exactly how valuable they believe our contributions to be.

In theory, this sounds excellent.

However: bidbots.

Look at the trending page... are the posts with highest payouts those that the community actually values most?

At the beginning of Steemit, likely. Now, no. They are typically the ones that have had the biggest promotional budgets.

For that reason, it is important that we try not to limit our use of the platform unduly, for the more we do so, the more we deprive Steemit team members of valuable feedback.

Again, sounds good in theory. Though in the context clarified above - Steemit team members may not actually be being provided accurate feedback - if referring to the valuation of content - given that the numbers of those “valuations” are not organically-driven, but largely swayed by the gaming mechanisms offered via bidbot services.

Unfortunately, while I can see the dilemma, I don’t see the solutions.

Don’t mean to be venturing off-track from the “dogfooding” topic, nor intending for this comment to be a ‘complaint’of any sort, though just to clarify the flaw in that fundamental statement quoted above as it is a significant one...


I reckon that is an extremely important point, and one that will be critical for Steemit to address, particularly as team members are posting and seeking rewards.

What if Steemit itself, or members of the team, set up their own bidbots? What if they buy votes? These are matters that will impact the team and Steemit quite directly now that they're going to be posting and receiving rewards.

Eyes will be opened and let's hope beneficial changes are effected to improve promotional mechanisms. I've always been disappointed that the Promoted tab wasn't more useful and that profiteering via bots has been incentivized instead.

There are many negatives that have arisen from such policy.


What if Steemit itself, or members of the team, set up their own bidbots? What if they buy votes?

Here, we run into more dilemmas...

If they were doing it for self-gain, it’s obviously a compromise of integrity for the whole platform & team. Though what if it was a move strategically done to get an important message to the forefront of users’ attention?

Granted, the ideal would be that Steemit have a dedicated section where important announcements are highlighted, separate and clearly upfront for all users to see... yet, after nearly 3 years, such a basic function / sanctioned updates area doesn’t even exist!!!

If I want to know the details of what’s happening with the latest hardfork, team developments, etc... where do I go? Seriously. This is not clear!

The only place I’ve found such info is in the news feed when people make posts about them.

“Am I dumb and missing something? Or is this such a fundamental flaw in the organization of key developmental info, that we have to find this in the midst of all other ‘normal’ content, which is likely to get buried in shitposts that’ve had bidbots push them to the top...?”


The trending page was NEVER filled with community choices, long before the bidbots. At least now if I want to and think I have something important to say, I can make it up there with an investment.

Prior to the bidbots there was NO way to get visibility and the same 10 accounts would dominate for months at a time.

Although some bad content gets on trending, some of us use our stake to try to at least remove the profits and as for the rest of the content... It is announcements and projects and things that people have invested time and money on. Which is way better in my opinion that the 10 favorite people of 10 large account holders and their sock puppets.

Just another point of view.

This thought would add on so well to my own comment I just made before reading yours. I put focus on the “dog food” user experience for team members topic but bidbots = dogpoo jumped in my mind .....of course!


All feedback is good feedback. Interesting factoid, Hivemind makes adjusting the trending algorithm a much simpler feat...

Always good to see an OG like you still hanging around :) haven't read my feedback yet

well said sir!