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RE: Steem's on Sale!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Woot woot....nice. Yes it is on sale. Will Buy 1,000 shares tomorrow of Steem. I lost my Debit card 4 days ago and had to get it replaced so just waiting on that to take funds out for Coinbase.

Again congrats and good going. You're Buying at a HUGE discount imho :)


Awesome News! I wanted to get a 1000 also, but I decided to wait another week for that! :)

Glad to hear you are buying and sorry about losing your debit card that stinks.

Thank man.. But yeah it looks like my Debit Card will NOT get here til either Friday or Saturday.

Hope price stay low til then ;)

crossing my fingers for you..

Well thank God it came ,and I got 1,100 shares below .90 cents

Iam a happy camper today !! :)