From the BLUEPAPER...
"The rate that new tokens are generated was set to 9.5% per year starting in December 2016, and decreases at a rate of 0.01% every 250,000 blocks, or about 0.5% per year. The inflation will continue decreasing at this rate until it reaches 0.95%, after a period of approximately 20.5 years."
"Of the supply of new tokens created by the Steem blockchain every year, 75% of those tokens compose the “rewards pool” which are distributed to content creators and content curators. 15% are distributed to vested token holders, and 10% are distributed to Witnesses, the block producers cooperating inside Steem’s DPoS consensus protocol."
Damn @robert-call....
There you go again...bringing out those things called facts again.
Nice one I did not know this.
Thanks Robert for the clarification. Many people have wrong ideas about how Steem works. We all need to educate them.