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RE: 💸💰 STEEM: Take The Long-Term View: It Will Create A Great Deal Of Weatlh

in #steem7 years ago

Another interesting factor is that in next 20 years more STEEM will be produced than currently available in the market. Therefore, current newbies and future ones have fair chance to earn STEEM to be dolphins or orcas or even whales. The matter of fact is that one has to have the persistence to understand the system and stick with growth mindset. Only creating content or commenting will not help, like any other system, to be successful one has to be smart and work hard. For example, if anybody writes a good content on Investing, buy bid-bots get it notice if he/she does not have enough SP, comment on people's post who like investing, build your reputation, if possible buy some STEEM etc. Nothing comes easy when there is a chance of big uplift (e.g. be millionaire)!