Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Sahabat sekalian para Steemian dimanapun anda berada
beberapa saat yang lalu media sosial yg kita cintai ini yaitu Steemit sudah melaksanakan pembaruan sistem yang dinamakan dengan Hard Fork atau HF20
Setiap pembaruan tentunya akan membawa beberapa fitur yang lebih mantap dan bagus.
kita berharap itu terjadi dan akan membawa perubahan yang lebih bagus pada media sosial Steemit kita
Saya berencana membuat postingan tentang perubahan perubahan yg akan terjadi besok dari hasil akhir HF20 malam ini
namun ini hanya beberapa gambaran dari aku saya ssdh terjadi hf 20 barusan.
Namun ini bukan finalnya karena perubahan final akan terjadi besok pada jam 15.00 waktu UTC.
Dan untuk kedepannya Semua aktivitas di akun Steemit akan bergantung pada nila RC anda jangan Minus. Silahkan cek RC di ....
Demikian sekilas info ini semoga bermanfaat sukses selalu buat kita semua
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
English language
Friends all the Steemians wherever you are
a few moments ago, our beloved social media, Steemit, has implemented a system update called Hard Fork or HF20
Every update will certainly bring some more powerful and good features.
we hope that happens and will bring better changes to our Steemit social media
I plan to make a post about changes to change that will occur tomorrow from the final results of HF20 tonight
but this is only a few pictures of me, I have already happened hf 20 just now.
But this is not final because the final change will occur tomorrow at 15:00 UTC time.
Here is a little direct explanation about what will happen after HF20 :
Change is Coming
Hardfork 20 includes many updates, all of which were summarized in this post.
3 priorities governed the development of this hardfork:
More efficiently allocating and pricing resources to ensure sustainability and scalability
Enabling DApps to create free accounts while maintaining game theoretical security
Setting the stage for communities on Steem and Smart Media Tokens
The biggest change included in this update is that our previous bandwidth system will be replaced with a more accurate and efficient “Resource Credit” system. In another post we explained in detail how the RC system will further Steem’s lead as the most advanced freemium blockchain in the world.
The development of that system was itself guided by 2 additional priorities:
More accurately measuring the true cost of running the blockchain
Enabling Steem developers to create more predictable user experiences
The new system will accomplish these goals by generating RCs (Resource Credits) based on stateless estimates of 3 resources: blockchain size, state size, and computational load. The blockchain will then distribute those credits to accounts based on how much Steem Power they hold. Like bandwidth, the only thing you will be able to do with RCs is “purchase” transactions (post, comment, vote, token transfer, etc.) and also like bandwidth, RCs will regenerate over time so that you can continue using the blockchain as long as you have Steem Power.
So, at a glance this info, hopefully it will be useful, is always for all of us
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
References :
•• ● ══❁══ ◎ ✾ ☆ ﷽ ☆ ✾ ◎ ══❁══ ● ••
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