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RE: "I Got Downvoted!?! It's Not Fair! Can You Help Me???"

in #steem6 years ago

Having just reas this (very interesting thread) I basically agree.... so many people are brought up being overly protected and shielded from the harsh reality that a minority of people are bullies.

If we were all interacting equally with another 100 people a month (hypothetical e.g.) and not shielded from the unpleasant ones, at least 1-2 interactions would be thoroughly unpleasant.

I guess steem just brings us into a wider network and makes our exposure to assholes more likely.

It's an unavoidable consequence of the freedom and opporrunity it also brings.

As you say, getting over a flag (or letting it go) is best....while maybe keeping a dispassionate reign on the assholes in conjunction with others.

Posted using Partiko Android


Well said!

Thanks... I could have gone on, but suffice to say for now that this is all food for thought for sure!

Also easy for me to say when I've only ever had one teeny tiny malicious flag.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks... I could have gone on, but suffice to say for now that this is all food for thought for sure!

Also easy for me to say when I've only ever had one teeny tiny malicious flag.

But I'll certainly keep this mind if I ever get worse treatment in the future.

Posted using Partiko Android