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RE: Why is the Steem Price Low? How Do We Fix It?

in #steem7 years ago

I'm interested in a lot this article has to say for the initial question that asks; "How do we increase the price of STEEM?" My first thoughts were increased market capitalization by way of Tron-like decentralization from the BTC with contracts that offer token creation for various reason. I'd like to answer slightly above the simple request of offering substance that evolves the Steemit community of developers.

In consideration to upvoters and downvoters as well as bots that flag. I think the threat of bots contaminating with various needless flags leave trace. Hypothetical; "How many outside the developers community inspect the element of pages?" Have you ever suspected the potential of injection hacks offering covert changes in intellectual authorship? I suspect the beyond part is slightly elaborate and considers this element to suggest trace of hack suspects as well. I was ruined by hackers and feel there needs to be more to protect the community in the way of developer securities.

Which brings me to GitHub's DevOps199 the infamous whom froze hundreds of millions in crypto currency accidentally when changing source code within repositories on GitHub. Quick backstory there : Source Link : )

In this mention I suggest going to the backup files. The files may only be retainable by those with access to server backups. The DevOps199 problem is real. Things like this are costing Steemian's value every day. Creating provocative posts that attract a developer community fully aware of security sciences in technology calling for developers to produce the solution with @Steemit. What's in a name like SteemFramework? What if repositories could advance with controls to deflect any novice hacker from ghost defacements. In the case of DevOps199 I've been unable to trace the person to a name at this time. The person appears to have made statement that it was accidental and I believe whomever that happens to be in reality. This case exposes a serious truth that effects all forms of cryptocurrency.

In the case of crypto currency miners. STEEMMiners might be something that works with STEEMFramework to offer miners the ability to configure plugins for various website and application developments. Consider an app developed that accesses a STEEMMiner toolkit where game sprites animation provide access the processes unused and available on devices as per agreements in game user terms of service. The miner might be able to configure the ability to process multiples of coins in their consideration. Whereas, additional applications mine for those available to be mined. STEEMMiner and STEEMFramework agreements arrange for conversions into STEEM. When the larger pool of mining interests accumulates a transfer amount previously selected the entire pool is awarded in STEEM, STEEM Power, or SBD. It's these fabulous style imaginations that drive innovators to realize the potential. The vulnerability released by DevOps199 results in an error when source coders think to process by attributing repositories codes with their work. The old school websites aren't cutting it anymore, and the community here offers the potential to insight advanced methodology from the school of minnows to the largest of orcas driving security value into the STEEMFrameworks. I myself have been trying to become educated in computer sciences, and would like to receive a formal education. As an outsourcing startup owner hacked I may be a muse that's still time from the originating goals created by passion for technology. Hypothetically; A STEEMRepository archiving backups for STEEMFrameworks. However, data is costly lest ye be the holder of the servers. Monetization of edits in their publication of Steemit perhaps automated by configurations would create a serious threat of downvoter. The "spam bots" that are sometimes harmful in their reflection are returning our own links due to origination unique copy past method. Whereas, closing statements can become somewhat excessive. Therefore, we create a text block offering multiple lines of common text within our posts. Which, can result in automated flagging. Judge not lest the flag be judged. What functionalities should bots be allowed and or not allowed? What security can be created and lost in a moment when public access to open source comes without the potential to recall backup. How can the developers community of the entirety of cryptocurrency appear slightly careless toward calling for innovations of advanced implementation. Each and every plan comes with it's set of challenges. There are no endless pools to fund everything. If anything, the implementations of bot creations may want to avoid flagging to reduce the chance of bot DDOS-R where R is for reporting/flagging.

The true value may be in independence when creating a repository for open source coders that's ultimately the best option considering implementations to store information better than GitHub. The host contract retention for third party token exchange independents is valuable as we know.

How many more flaws can result from the release of the information?

Forget about the flaw. Think about the solution.

Than the question becomes; "How does all that additional stuff make money?" And, that's where business is part gamble. In today's technology advertising billions of dollars can generate reach. Imagine STEEMRepository freezing code for STEEMFramework that applies advertisement tracking with SteemPoweredApps which use implementations to display paid ads? The reach may be endless and a profit margin missed without preservation of source code repository once affording the development.

Startup! Yea! I had a few."

It's not long before technology developers wish to be the sole provider of all they need to power the world with empowering applications offering entertainment, education, and viable marketplace tools for consideration. These forms of strategy come with a hefty cost. Imagine your open source didn't have a backup preservation? Than DevOps199 the noob cost hundreds of millions should funds fail to be restored to wallet holders whom lost. Therefore, the benefit might offer a tool that ensures that trace recording of users devices that attempt to inspect element might find attempts to alter code aggressively thwarted by bot reporting. I can go without the spam bot. Can the bot tell us who hacked the world? Than, when that bot is created will a backup system offer smart storage maintaining singular files found in multiple backup storages by timestamp? It's a community that has to stay together and call for a community of interest to advance together. The potential of rewards for posts like this one is worthy of best efforts to sustain a secure environment.

The value is in the long haul.

I too was thinking about the value and where it might come from in the future for Steemit. Today, we see our sidebars have very little from the outside world. The advertisement placement catagorization might come with advanced programming tactics that seamlessly traverse information to pools with interest feeding. Market capitalization doesn't increase without profit driven implementation, and that's an independence that requires a school of new thought inspiration. I hope you've found this inspirational and know that I'm on the STEEM boat. I'm seeing it from the highest points and holding on for the ride!

Yours truly,
