I wake up to a flurry of notifications on my phone. I keep scrolling over, trying to understand it in my sleepy-fog mood what is going on?!
Steem hit 5$?!
(PS: notice that lately most of my stories start with me being sleepy and something happens in the morning. Can we move these important updates to noon? That would be great, thanks! I'm really not a morning person...)
I want to say that I can not believe it but honestly in this insane crypto world of the last weeks, it almost feels expected!. Still, there's two things I want to mention here.
#1. I do remember when I set this alarm. It was back in November when I was talking with a friend about Steemit at 2$.We were both in awe and he said: Hey, it might go even higher....
"Well, if it goes to 5$, I'll catch a plan to your country and come visit!"
Then I doubled down:
Then I set an alarm and forgot about it.
Guess I need to buy a ticket soon. How cold is in UK now?!
On a big picture kind of view, Steem at 6$ feels a bit like a redemption for all of us here. The believers, the traders, the bloggers were all rewarded. Where will it go now? 10$?!
#2. I used this gif 2 days ago and it's now even more relevant. I love it when things look prophetic :)

Community question: Do you want to buy/do/get something special with a part of your Steem or will you just HODL?
I think it’ll hit $10 and keep going. Steem should be a multi billion dollar crypto given it’s speed, various use cases and it’s been well tried/tested.
it's a contented for the MOON!!!!
$10 Steem is around the corner...
what corner?! :))
Few feets away towards right direction... :-)
It's just unbelievable and a well-deserved valuation of the Steem technology! #moon
IF fricking XRB can do it why not STEEM!!
hahaha, for sure!!
I was preparing a review about when I checked my wallet and I saw an almost double estimate of my account and then I noticed that the steem value was more than $6!
I am very curious to see what happens in the future, January seems to have set a lucky foot for steemit : )
Happy New Year!
Regarding the
Hodling of course :P
I'd read that! Please link me here when done!!
Thank you! This is the link, any comments will be so much appreciated :)
I will HODL all the way to $1000. #hodlerforlife
PS: ai telegram?
Dragos Roua vorbeste de 3000 si ceva. Dar chiar cred ca vom ajunge la $1000 pana in 2020. Anyway nu am telegram dar imi fac daca e ceva util ( habar n-am ce e dar ma documentez :) )
un fel de whatsapp. daca iti faci lasa-mi si mie te rog username-ul tau.
Mabye , better or at least simmilar would be energy drink , but not any energy drink . From personal experience i had to go to work and i was sleepy and took a redbull and it was gone , i could work all day .
Coffe is also good but i am not enjoying coffe due to the taste it has .
And regarding steem , we all expect it will do back down soon , we must be happy for the moment , you know what happend when it reached to 4,33 and next days it went back down to 2,11.
there's always caffeine pills!
I like your postgood job dear @razvanelumarin
Thanks . I always feel smarter after reading your posts. Please keep sharing your thoughts. interesting post
Keep reposting this comment and you won't get too far. No one like a copy pasta comment.
Certainly many people never saw these coming, few others sold off their steem at 2.50 yesterday
a moment of silence for those!
Oyea. Sorry about that spam in the chat :') Didn't mean to wake you up, haha!
you and about 10 more ppl + alarms. Was a nice wake up call.
So, what do you wanna do? Visit Romania?! :D
Mwheheh. WAKE UP STEEM IS PUMPING. It's kinda good news, innit?
i think you hit it on it's head, it does feel like we all backed the right horse! :) it's positively galloping up! :)
HODL all the way - also one of my 2018 resolutions.