Okayyyyyy, so today I've found myself quite a few help widgets to make Steemit easier to use!
Okay number 1 on the list - Steemification
This addon for google tells you when you got a notification from Steemit! So when someone upvotes you or downvotes or even follow! Everything! This will just give you a notification! Here's the link - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/steemification-notificati/blnmejicejbkcdebiobgfpjhopoahmen
Okay number 2 on the list - Steemit Dead Followers!
This wonderful webpage tells you the dead people that are following you? So what this means is - write in your username without the @. And it will present to you a page like this -
So as you can see it tells you the inactive followers? Pretty great! As you can also see - I only have 2 inactive followers which I am okay with!
Okay onto number 3 on the list - Steem Now
This website tells you the strength of your voting, how much your vote is worth and much MUCH more!
Last and final one is a cool webiste that makes your steemit link - shortened - https://steem.ly/
That's all for today! I hope I helped you in some sort of way!
Excellent post. Lot of information in few words. I really got some thing to learn about steemit with this post. Thank you very much my friend. I am following you. I just checked. I have 218 followers. to my surprize.. all are active. no dead follower for me.. thank you very much.
Thanks benilda :D I followed you back :D Feel free to drop an upvote