
So I take you all aren't working together as a team, running a witness anymore? That didn't last very long. :(

Not sure what you mean. I've never ran a witness by myself or with anyone else. You must have me confused with someone else.

Ah! I did indeed. Thanks for clarifying. I got confused with @rhondak.

Gosh what a thread to dig through hunting a mention. Mercy!

I still love my choice for witness team alignment, despite the controversy. I kept waiting to for those who warned me to be proven right, and Cork to be proven base of character the way they claim. As time went on, the inverse became true based on the behaviors I saw with my own eyes.

People can "claim" anything they want. For my own personal knowledge, I asked the one guy claiming Cork owes him money for the dogs if he would offer proof. He didn't just fail to do so, he flat-out refused. Publicly, in front of many witnesses. Yet still this is an issue? How? For me, the fact that Cork needed money to care for the animals he committed to says more about his character than that of any self-righteous accuser. It demonstrates loyalty and a clear understanding of ethical responsibility.

ever engaged in divisive conduct. We included everyone in everything. Shared members, shared moderators. Shared witness support. No one can argue that Cork says things in the most diplomatic manner, because clearly he doesn't. But I've yet to see him be proven wrong about any points he's made. Others, The behaviors! Licentious remarks in public forums. The creation of an entire Steem account to mock an accidental misspelling of Cork's name that was downright vulgar. Is there no sense of shame with some people? What about publicly ridiculing a person's appearance after they took chemotherapy and years of immunosuppressants? Yet somehow all of this is okay? But wait--the best (or worst, depending on which camp a person is in,) is the blatant edict by a community leader for his entire drone army to disassociate from Cork and any initiatives he's part of. This edict came with the express threat of removing delegations and all support from anyone who affiliates with him. And the whole drone army concurred that this was acceptable. And yet, this is okay?Then we get back to the moral code of the people in question. First, none of the people involved with @noblewitness or @thewritersblock

Talk about centralized! It's the antithesis of everything the blockchain is supposed to represent. Bottom line is that no oneever, at any time, forbade anyone else from affiliating with "those other folks," participating in their servers, voting their witness, or following their blogs. We encouraged cross-promotion and teamwork. Then suddenly there it is, in writing, that the leader of the largest community on Discord has forbidden "his people" from association with Cork or Noblewitness. What the absolute hell, people? HOW is ANY of this not a thousand times worse than any lip Cork ever gave anyone? Yet they get a free pass for this egregious and downright insidious behavior? associated with @sircork

Not from me, they don't. Never have I been more pleased about where I chose to place my alliance. I'll take Cork's lip over corrupt character any day.

And by the way, his dogs are wonderful.

Don't confuse above average performance with your lack of ability to perform. That's not ego or hubris, it's just the cold truth of your life.

Instead of starting a charity to impress a woman that hates you to help people thousands of miles away that you don't care about, why don't you pay back the person who loaned you hundreds of dollars so you could keep your dogs alive?

Oh you mean the person who demanded many times I DO NOT pay him back for his GIFT, until his lack of relevance gave him the grand plan to use it as a tool which backfired badly?

Do you pay back the woman who lets you live in her basement?

Try again maybe?

Or maybe try to do something of use, at all? Like getting a job?

Mr. @noblewitness, why is it you assume only one person loaned you money to pay your vet bills? You're not privy to half the conversation anymore, but others are.

LOLz, keep trying, no one "LOANED" anyone anything. But PAL and it's little increasingly irrelevant clique have never been strong on honesty or credibility.

r0nd0n (57)
Joined September 2016

How's that "perfectionism" working out for you, clown?

Doesn't matter what you say, no one will see you anyway...

985 Total followers

630 Dead followers

355 True followers

You spelled "perfectionist" wrong, but you'll claim "clown humor" lol, fail.

Imagine seeing @sircork having an emotional breakdown on yet another post. This super prominent and most famous Steem witness with a million dollar company yet he needs to borrow money to keep his fucking dogs alive.

You speak like a child. You bring up old conversations in passing as if they were some amazing favor by the Dalai Lama when in reality you are an old, tired, broken down man that never matured because of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Don't you carry @fyrstikken balls in your hands for him? He is being nice to @ned so you should be doing the same thing or risk losing that teet you have been sucking on but yet unable to procure milk from.

Dear child with history and reading comprehension skills.

The dogs thing happened before the company was even in production, and still in a building phase pre launch, bootstrapped and wasn't valued where it is now, till approximately ten months later, when we turned down the first offer from a little tiny company called Microsoft for our fledgling product. I know, the tech business is hard for you, having been fired from all the jobs you've ever mentioned having, and you are now living in your rv in your mom's backyard and all, as you said on your own post the other day. But don't let ignorance deter you from chiming in.

You might want to also learn how to work the chain transaction logs and do some research before making baseless allegations you cannot substantiate, because other than enjoying a chat with a fellow adult business person, Fyrst has never sent or transferred a thing to me or even voted on anything I've ever put on the chain, with one single exception. Earlier this year, he boosted a comment made by the YouAreHOPE Foundation I founded, on a fundraising post, of his own accord and without my awareness till later in the day, as it happened during a public witness forum, where adults were doing their job here. You know, those things you've never attended, ever, because you say, the minnows and plankton aren't worth your ever so homeless time.

I don't need him to either, because I don't live at my mom's house.

For that matter if you knew how the chain worked, you might not have had such a visible failure using it this week.

Sounds like baby netty is jealous he can't hang with the big kids. ;) Take a nap, and clean your room. Oh wait, you don't HAVE a room!

Sad old fuck can't even raise a dog let alone himself.

Your comment is precisely what I was saying. Despite the deep blowjobs you give @fyrstikken he hasn't supported shit of yours. Lmao cause it's all worthless shit.