
It looks like a month ago STEEM was $1.67 . So, for today, we are 208% UP
JAN 10, 2018 STEEM PRICE $5.14
DEC 10, 2017 STEEM PRICE $1.67
(5.14-1.67)/1.67*100 = 207.7844311%
208% RISE

For long term prospects, I think we have proven STEEM and SteemIT are viable as both crypto currency and social media. The value is there. We are on the ground floor. We are earning STEEM, which has value.

I am not focused on STEEM price for selling or buying.

I am not reporting the rise and drop as financial advice.

It is more to question, what caused such huge rise and what caused such a drop?

What the . . . . what is going on?