Can we please stop calling it Reward Pool Rape!

in #steem7 years ago

I know we are in the middle of a huge flag war now. Well actually a few of them as there are a few ongoing issues with how people earn their rewards and use their stake here on the platform.

I think this is all part of growing and maturing as a platform and think in the long term it will help to ingrain some norms around here and make the community stronger. It will also let potential abusers know the these behaviors will not be tolerated. The one thing I think that will work against us in the terminology some people choose to use.


I'm not some sort of new age millennial that needs a safe room and all that crap, but I do not feel calling it Reward Pool Rape is appropriate. I do agree it's an abuse of the system and there are currently lots of ways to do it. I think this terminology will work against the efforts to clean up the platform and the abuses and makes us all look a bit immature. We are still early in the growth of this platform and still have a chance to add proper names and titles to these abuses. It will only help us look more cultured, refined and mature. I know that @ned and @dan have left us too our own devices with very little guidance, so it's up to all us to stay mature in this time of struggle.

Rape is a serious criminal offense that is committed to another human being, and I worry the blasé use of this terminology may really offend any victims of such atrocities. Recently I even read a post by a witness suggesting that the 25% reward share that it taken by @dsound or @dlive is a form of rape, and that's when I took notice the blasé use of this terminology and felt the need to make this post. I think by allowing the normalizing of the use of the this term it will lead to continued excessive use. I know I probably sound like a bit of sensitive prude but I really wanted to put this out there. I care about the future of steem and our long term growth and think we need to be mindful of these things.


What I propose is someone much more important and influential then me, take up the torch on this issue and suggest some appropriate terminology and titles for the ongoing abuses. I feel that by giving these appropriate titles it can actually be the first step to working together to tackle the problems here on the Steem blockchain.

I do fulling support the ongoing flag wars and witch hunts that are underway to ensure rewards are fairly and equitably distributed here on the steem blockchain.

Hopefully I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this and we can see some positive change.

Footer by @bearone


I think the word rape in the context of "Reward Pool Rape" fits the second definition of the word:

"the wanton destruction or spoiling of a place or area:
"the rape of the Russian countryside"
synonyms: destruction · violation · ravaging · pillaging · plundering · desecration"

Sometimes words have more than one meaning. Gay can still mean "happy" too :).

Of course your correct, but that's not the idea that is usually invoked

That's how I always interpreted it. But Reward Pool Plundering or Pillaging sounds good as an alternative too. I don't think we should rob words of their definitions though by saying we shouldn't use them for purposes for which they were intended.

I like pillaging more than plundering. Has a better ring to it.

Yep, reward pool plunder sounds a lot better, and it means the same by definition.

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Fair enough, that's a good point

Rape is a curse in the society it has to eliminated fully from peoples mind. We should see the human body as a gift of god

It is a powerful frame, if you want a better one you first have to create a stronger frame.
What that means is : Rape sounds worse than plunder, by using the word plunder you make the frame weaker.
Maybe re-frame it as reward pool slaughter, stil packs kind of a punch, stil not a nice word.
Just an idea!!
About the whole flag war, I pretty much new to both social media and cryptocurency so I dont really have opinions on the mather.
Have a nice day!!

I get it, although I don't believe it was ever intended to be taken that way. I feel it's kind of calling something gay or retarded... It's more or less just an expression. I do agree though that there is probably a better way to express a discontent with this topic

It’s exactly like calling something “gay” or “retarded”, completely inappropriate.

I disagree. I think it was started to give exactly the bad taste that Phel is talking about in this post. It is meant to be inflammatory and reaction inducing. I don't know where it started for sure, but it smells of Bernie, and if it did originate with him, I would bet all the crypto I have that it was intended to cause a reaction.

I do agree that at this point we need to find a new term. Something less inflammatory, while still getting the point across. Reward Pool abuse doesn't have a ring to it, but does it need to?

This is a good subject for talking about. Very appropriate that @phelimint brought it up on International Women's day, or whatever they are calling it.

Interestingly the Woman's day thing was not intended. I've been sitting on this for a while and finally wanted to get it out there.

I don't know where is started by do know that it's often said by @berniesanders. I do happen to agree with much of what he's doing around here, but he does take a bit of an aggressive and inflammatory method that rubs me the wrong way.

Quit being such a fucking crybaby. I'll be back to flag this in a little while, better go spend more on bot votes...

It could be intentional, its called a frame, politics and media use it al the time.

Well, this is the same guys who also hates to hear the term gay or retarded used in the same manner. This is not appropriate to use "just as an expression" These terms hurt and offend some people, and it's not appropriate just to toss them around for "shock value"

Yes, mikepm74 was right on the money while referring to them as an inflammatory response. I think that's a very accurate way to describe it. I'm guessing it's intentionally used because it has more of a sting to it seeing is it is so inappropriate. I think that reward pool abuse still drives the underling issue without being offensive, but I'm not sure how likely it is to catch on though.

I am rather new to Steemit and even the concept of Blockchain technology. I am very much interested in the capabilities and future that to my eyes seem possibly very bright, that things like Blockchain and even social media can contribute to humanity. I have very little understanding of the feud that is making the rounds, and apparently, a large portion of the posts as well here on Steemit, but I must say, as a husband and father, aspiring financial philanthropist and would-be crypto/blockchain contributor, I feel this is perhaps one of the best posts that could be riding the Steemit airwaves at the moment. Love the peace your message brings man, keep it up please this world is dying for it!

I appreciate the feedback, I'd say avoid the conflict, and just start finding you niche here, there is certainly a lot of good around here.

Funny how one seems to be tempted to become apart of the mudslinging and attacks! I don't even know anything about it yet when I read some of the comments that are made, I feel a need to say something too. It's our intrinsic bred-nature of violence behavior I believe that is the biggest culprit. That's why I so respect what you say because you (hopefully) inspire other newbies like myself to stick to our true humanity: to see the well-being and growth of others as high priority. Dragging anyone down is so destructive event to the offender. I know I am dwindling a bit of your initial point, but see, I told you you inspired me! Kudos

Absolutely agree. Its like nails down a blackboard; as it makes light of a really revolting violation.
Could we go with plunder?

I don't know what the best word is, that will be fully adopted but it's certainly a good option.

I don't see anything bad with the reward pool rape, but let's say some people don't like it, what could be used, reward pool robbery or reward pool scamming?

I think abuse is likely just fine and already in usage frequently.

I strongly agree with you. There can be a better choice of words. We are misusing the word without understanding its actual meaning.

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent.

Reward Pool Abuse can be a better word phrase than calling it a Rape. Thanks for the heads up @phelimint.

Yeah I think we have an opportunity to change it now, before it get's too entrenched.

An 8 year old girl was raped to blood by a worker in a mall in my city yesterday. While everyone was celebrating Women's Day in the same mall in Indore, India. This is such a shame!

That's very tragic, and exactly the imagery I would hope to avoid.

I agree that we should probably change the "rape" word to something a bit more mature. But that something should probably have the same effect and to be able to induce a reaction. I can't think of any word though and even if someone would find a good one it will still be hard for it to be adopted by all.

We shall see if perhaps people are interested in changing it, but I have my doubts.

We should get someone like Facebook or YouTube to censor us so we can’t say non PC words.

Oh wait...

I see what you did there....

Rape also means "any violation or abuse" in general.

However, I agree that it's better if people choose to use another term. How about "reward pool plunder"?

I do hope people would chose not to use the word, prehaps plunder is a option.

You're not that not-influential around here you know. You could start using terms you feel are more appropriate/accurate for the situation and hopefully other people will start following :)


Exactly. The users on the trending page have the power to move the discourse to the right direction (much more than others). Hopefully, they will use their responsibility wisely. @phelimint will for sure. :)

THANK YOU! I saw some posts earlier today that were making me question the decency of Steemit. It is nice to see someone being thoughtful.

How about Reward Pool Bleed?


When I first joined steemit 2 months ago, the first thing i saw a similar post about people abusing the system. I didn't get it at that time.

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absolutely this serious issue of the world

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It's an inappropriate use of the word. However, we need to focus our revulsion on getting this bad crap (reward pool abuse, flag wars, ...) eliminated form the Steemit platform.

My friend I fully understand your point about the use of the word rape and I completely agree with you. What I don't understand, due to my newbie status, is what are "ongoing flag wars and witch hunts". Could you send me to a post that explain it to me ?

I don’t support the usage of the word “rape” either. To my mind, abuse is a very strong word too! But, its connotation is broader, thus, the risk of offending victims is smaller.
Thank you for your mindfulness, @phelimint.

I really hope someone influential takes up the cause to find a better way to describe this, thanks for putting this out there.

In my intro post I suggested the phrase unfair distribution of rewards which fits reasonably well, but whatever we use there's gotta be an alternative.


(Randohealer has conducted rshares of healing on this post.)