The Daily DO : 3 things you should do to promote Steem today... @ 25 March 2019

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Keeping it brief.

We need to tell the world about Steem.

We need to get Steem everywhere.

Sometimes we will get a quick win first time.

Other times it will take longer.

We just need to keep at it, try new approaches, come up with smart ideas.

Here are three things you can do today to help grow Steem.

1. Vote for Steem to get on the Paytomat Mobile Wallet

Top 20 witness @thecryptodrive is calling for community support to vote to get STEEM on the Paytomat mobile wallet.

Earlier in the year @thecryptodrive negotiated with to get STEEM listed on their merchant app.

However that is only part of the story. Paytomat also has a user wallet available on iOS and Android which will give good visibilty to STEEM as soon as users install the wallet.

For STEEM to be listed on the mobile wallet it has to go through a voting process, and each month the winning coin gets a free listing.

This month's vote only now has 5 days left to run. In the past day STEEM has moved up from 7th to 2nd place behind Dogecoin.

Vote now to get STEEM on the mobile wallet...

2. Commit to get Steem on StackExchange

initiated a process last month to get an official Steem sub-community StackExchange (

This was picked up by @inertia, and then by @theycallmedan, who took the process forward to get Steem through the initial Definition stage.

Steem has now moved on to the Commitment stage. Currently Steem has reached 7% commitment. More people now need to commit to participate actively for at least 3 months to help propel Steem on to the beta stage.

Commit now to get Steem on StackExchange...

3. Join the Seven77 Push-up Challenge on Twitter

@nathanmars has been leading a challenge, with @actifit, to get steemians to post videos to Twitter of them doing 7 push-ups every day for 77 days.

The aim is to make the challenge go viral and gain visibility for Steem.

Many well known steemians have joined the challenge including @exyle, @jongolson, @plantstoplanks, @adetorrent, @steevc and even @andrarchy with his special 'spiderman pushups'.

If you are on Twitter check out the Seven77 tag, join in and help push up the visibility of Steem...

And also...

Please register to vote in the forthcoming Steem Foundation Proposals Election

If you know of any other similar 'Calls To Action' that need widespread community support, please comment below or message Pennsif#9921 on Discord.

Thank you.

[ graphics by @pennsif ]


This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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Thanks @checky - now corrected.