Well I think that steemit is not like most crypto's. Most crypto's have a steady inflation.
We could argue that Steem has steady inflation.
But correct me if I am wrong, by allowing power down you create effectively a system that allows for huge swings in available liquid steem.
Ie. some 13 weeks will have little effect on the price, but this system allows too many liquid steem to flow in as people powering down don't know what the max level of power down is before the price goes down.
The fact that this hasn't happened yet does not mean it won't happen. There could be many reasons why people are now happy holding longer.
And generally if it can happen it will happen, it would only make sense that we will tread those waters over time.
So why not make it a variable rate (13 weeks when economy is healthy)
Increase the wait when economy is not doing so well.
Or base it on a max amount of power down the system can handle without plunging the price to depths that have no limit.
Or allow people to choose what level of vesting they would like to take, short term , mid term, long term.
There are so many less risky options. I want steemit to succeed, so I am just worried about this.
13 weeks seems to me very tricky, as even in a healthy economy if too many power down the price will plunge.
Because it is variable it is a different economy altogether then any other currency.
But Tim, I will try not go in circles as you already mentioned your opinion, I probably already did 😜. I will do some more research.
It would be nice to see some calculations based on what would happen if right now 10/20/30/40% powers down.
Still I would love to hear if there are very strong counter arguments for having these 13 weeks.
I am not here to show I am right, I am just trying to find out why 13 weeks has come in and if what I am thinking/ worries me is totally unfounded.