Here goes a quick'n dirty python script for fetching your account balance converted to a fiat currency.
$ python dan
Steem balance
Steem vests: 9891.00M (7371712.54 euros)
Steem: 0.437 (1.49 euros)
Steem Dollars: 3.000 (2.69 euros)
Total: 7371716.72 euros
It requires python 3, lxml and requests.
Nice. I forked it and made currency an argument. The word 'euro' is still used in variable names though, for the sake of quickness and dirtiness.
Well done!
Very nice. I noticed
can be called withTrue
as the second input, and the output is converted to dollars. Though it still is hardcoded to report "euros" in print_balance.My fellow Americans, just change line 43 to:
ratio_steem_fiat = coinm.get_price('STEEM',True)
If you're running it in linux, and don't feel like manually finding and replacing the 'euros', run this command in a terminal in the folder with the script:
sed -i -- 's/euros/Dollars/g'