Why you want to work with an Aba man

in #steem7 years ago

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The quality of a man has a direct effect on the business he runs. No one wants to work with a lazy, dishonest or incompetent man. The people of Aba are determined, hardworking and make viable business partners. “Hustle” seems to be every Aba man’s middle name. A typical Aba man seemingly lives by the saying “No food for lazy man” and possesses a great sense of perseverance. Almost all of the businesses in Aba are individual enterprises. This speaks of the Aba man’s innately endowed ability to hustle.

The Aba man dreams big

Ask a typical Aba man what he hopes to achieve in his life time and he would paint you a clear cut picture of his dreams. Most people are content with a simple life, surviving from day to day till old age. Aside dreaming big, Aba people work tirelessly everyday from dawn till dusk to achieve their dreams. Some who are involved in businesses such as shoe making sometimes stay at work for days on end in order to meet production deadlines. The people of Aba are dedicated to their craft, a prerequisite for success in any entrepreneurial endeavor. They possess a distinct sense of ambition and drive .Some of the richest Igbo people in Nigeria today started from Aba.

Ambition is in an Aba man’s genes.

Our environment influences much of the way we think as people on a conscious and subconscious level. The typical Aba man is born into a community that encourages hard work and ambition. The Aba man starts to instill a strong sense of work ethic in his children from an early age. Teenagers in Aba can be found having a business by the side while attending school. They develop their skills while doing apprenticeships to ensure success in business despite a lack of education. The child of an Aba man is already in the right frame of mind to face the world on their own before they reach adulthood.

Against all odds

The typical Aba man is an epitome of resilience. Living under tough conditions in Aba should be enough to drain the hope out of any regular person. However, the people of Aba have continually shown that there is nothing regular about them. With irregular electricity, competition from imported goods, bad roads and poor standard of living in Aba, even people from Lagos (the business capital) may find it difficult to stay motivated. Yet, Aba people are still able to rise above it and reach for their dreams. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Life handed the Aba man practically nothing yet he can still make something out of nothing. An example of an Aba man’s resourcefulness is the production of dredging machines from scrap metal. People who can do so much with so little can definitely do even better with the right investment.

Source: https://www.proudlymadeinaba.com/single-post/2017/05/13/WHY-YOU-WANT-TO-WORK-WITH-AN-ABA-MAN