Does size really matter?

in #steem9 years ago

So does it?

To me it absolutely does if I'm talking about a slice of cake or my bank balance. I'd like it to be as big as possible however at the moment it's usually just above average on both counts.

When it comes to size of people, now this can open up a huge debate sometimes. What I hate seeing is when people post "chunky girls are better as real men like curves". Oh cheers! I'm a size 8 so obviously I'm a bit rubbish according to that. It irritates me when people say oh you're so lucky to be able to eat what you want and stay slim. No, it's not down to luck. It's more about portion control. Yes I will always have a pudding or maybe 3 if out for a work meal but this isn't a daily occurrence. Also I do exercise , (definitely not as much as I should though). I may look slim but I'm certainly not as fit as I could be.

Size when it comes to cars. I wish people that drive massive cars would actually show a bit of respect to other road users. Many seem to think that they are bigger so therefore they always have right of way.

Oh and then there's the age of question of does size matter when it comes to men. Of course it does! I like a tall man that can change a lightbulb without needing a stepladder.

I'd love to hear your views on size.

Hope lots of you are now starting to understand my humour by the way! Take a look at some of my other posts.


Like your quirky take on things. Funny.

Life's too short to be serious all the time. :)

Someone once asked if I fool around. I said no, I am damn serious about it.

For me, if you don't have two giant tits and a cock that scrapes the ground I couldn't want less to do with you. If you're allowed to walk backwards without legally having to go "Beeeep, beeep, beeeep" then your knockers couldn't knock the stucco off a prefab and honey you're just wasting my time. And if I catch you walking around without your secret finger poking out the bottom of your trousers - well, go ahead and get up on out of my life.

BTW I drive a smartcar