Thank you for confirming the reason why I flagged the post. Your second admission is greatly appreciated. I will not be removing the flag now. Word spinning and plagiarism isn't tolerated here and according to you, that's what you're doing.
Pointing out the truth and having you confirm it isn't hate. The flag wasn't personal. I suggest you can the bullshit. I'm simply flagging what seems like scammy behavior. It's no big deal.
Good to see you, too. How's the weather out there?
Damn bro I legitimately feel bad for you that you're such a petty jealous loser that you have to try and twist my words to ruin a potential business project.
I'll try and explain it step by step so potential idiots who read your manipulative comments will understand.
Also go fuck yourself
I removed the flag. I legitimately feel bad for you, in a way that isn't insulting.
Easy, Tiger. I didn't ask for the definition of word spinning in four easy steps.
Unfortunately, I can't fuck myself here. Not in front of everyone. Not like this. You ruined the mood. I have a headache tonight.
And honestly, dude. How can you blame me for ruining anything when you're sitting here championing the fact you're offering readers some generic bullshit they've already heard before 1000 different ways. If you're selling cheeseburgers, you don't pitch the grease, you pitch the meat.
what if that grease is golden?
Holy shit man, you hit it on the head, he's fucking selling us the grease ... And he's seriously Groundskeeper Willy from the Simpsons, saving up his "Retirement grease"

yallapapi just needs to have someone write posts breaking down his posts and place them right next to his on trending lol
I didn't come here to troll this guy. It would be nice if those who feel the need to buy their way to the top could hold themselves to a higher standard instead of offering clues to new members as to how to work, then have their money flagged away because of poor advice... whatever though. These people are on their own.
I’ve written at least a half dozen posts for new members that explain the reality of this website and all itspolitics. You’ve actually commented on many of them.
Honestly though, sometimes I wish I had never bought upvotes. It’s not really a sustainable strategy for long term growth and it’s despressing to see people make actual money when mine is just recycled. The only benefit of doing it this way is the exposure from the Trending page, which is why I write such long posts. I need to maximize my investment.
And I do hold myself to a higher standard in terms of the quality of my posts. Not sure what you are referring to there.