
Haha. Nah. Bernie read something he didnt like in one of my posts

One of those that constantly fight with him commented on my post and he probably followed the thread.

Seems he stopped though. Called him an "abusive character", that was about it. Really wasnt anything juicy that would make me interesting for him to flag me all day long.. Havent been flagged whole day and he had me on the auto flag list.
So i guess hes done. Will see. Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Well that was dumb. Kinda like running head first into someones fist and wondering why you got punched. He threw you in the corner for a bit to cool down, so just play it cool.

Haha. No wondering here. He found my post by chance and the post wasnt even about him. Basically a sentence mentioning him. Its not like he needs an excuse. Lol.

Posted using Partiko Android