Take a good look around, especially at the witnesses and take notes of who is putting in work right now and who is not.
Our wise-team is currently working hard to add new features to Engrave, and to prepare a final release of Wise Protocol :)
But what is even most encouraging... there are tons of projects which are still developed and improved everyday. In a month or two I believe onboarding process of new users will stop becoming an issue because of one ongoing project which I am aware of.
More and more people are realizing the fact, that Steem interfaces can use own methods for recommendation and content discovery... and not just "showing trading page".
There is increased effort to show to the world how active and vibrant our Steem community is...
And there are hundreds of very dedicated people which took advantage of Steem low price to become a Steem middle-class citizens.
IMO currently we are much more productive than before. Why? Because there is much less noise, and we can just focus on hard work. I am very confident, that we will see the results of that very soon.