Everybody is now running around thinking steem is the best.
If you get into Steem now and you think you can make money, get a job at McDonalds you way better off than wasting your time on here.
The way steemit works is that it promises, you can make money by blogging/posting and by commenting.
Sounds great, doesnt it?? keep reading
If you just signed up for an Account you will receive around 15$ for free which seems nice but thsis will come with a high price.
With your 15$ you can go and upvote some posts and watch those 15$ grow a little bit but thats about it.
So if you not lucky enough to know somebody(whale) that will upvote your Posts dont even waste your time writting because you will not make more than 2$/ post on average.
You might think great, at least 2$ i dont get anything on facebook or reddit well, on facebook or reddit you not "forced" to buy anything like you are with steemit as you will see in a second.
Once you open your steemit wallet it might look a little bit confusing but im gonna explain that to you.
In the first line you see
STEEM: are tradeable Tokens that you can either buy on an exchange(bittrex, poloniex) and turn into STEEMpower- the more STEEMpower you have the more voting power has your Vote but more about that in 1 second.
you can also withdraw and Deposit STEEM anytime
STEEM has an inflation of 100%/year.
This year we have 80million STEEM, next year it will be 160 million and so on
STEEMPOWER: thats the Value in the 2nd line. STEEM Power is pretty much the fuel of STEEM, as I said STP is what you need to give your Votes more Power, wit STP you can also earn up to 90% interesst / Year, so it seems as secure long term investment especially if you believe in the long term success of STEEM
STEEM Dollar: whenever you post or blog and someone upvotes your comment or blog you will receive Steemdollar= STD. I think that that $ Blaance next to your post will be split 5050 after 24 hours in STP and STD. You can either sell/trade your STD on an exchange(bittrex, poloniex) or convert them into STEEM which will take about 1 week.
Estimated Value: shows what your Account is worth at the moment
Ok so good, on the first glance everything looks alright and makes a lot of sense but now look at this:
Take a 2nd and look at those 2 posts
the first post is nothing special at all, it probably took the creator less than 30 seconds, he didnt even use a Picture and made 1500$ on this crap
now look at the 2nd Post, it has pictures a firework and at least 2 lines of text, but how much has the 2nd Post earned- 1.5$ you should actually believe that steemit reaching 400million should be a better eyectcher and therefore a better clickbait that the 1 liner of the first Post.
But Steemit doesnt care at all about the content of a Post- at least whales dont give a damn.
WHY, because they dont have to care about good content.
When whales upvote each other, their post Value increses, visibility increases people that cupvote the pos increases, reward increases.
Whales can play this game now over and over and so cash in on the most reward.
What can you do now about that?
Well, you can either make friends(kiss ass) whith whales, write a super good blog and post that lik everywhere you see hoping somebody feels for you or BUY yourself STEEM or STD and convert them into STP.
Now of course you not an ass kisser and lets kep it real your Posts are worth sh*t so you only have a chance to play that game by investing in STP.
Now after you have gotten very euphoric abotu STEEM and you believe in the long ter success and i know you will take those writting classes now you ready to invest your hard earned cash in this, why not, it seems almost perfect.
But you forget 1 thing and I agree if you still into investing in STEEM because it sounds fucking good so far.
And Im gonna tell you that secret now
Most people that are now making money on Steem went in on the beginning so their STP was really cheap compared to yours. Since most people come in here now because they think they can make money pay way more for their 100$ worth of votes than the ones already having STEEM. So this makes now the vote of new people more important even though their weight of vote is lesser than the ones with more voting power.
So that means that people now getting into STEEM will rather upvote on postings that already have more upvotes simply because you can earn more money for commenting on high upvoted Posts than on Votes that have 0 -5$ value.
You get the picture?
Whales will rather vote whales because of bigger reward
and new buyers/users will also prefer to upvote on whales
so I dont see how this is any different from the regular Mainstream Media?,
Here people with money upvote and suport each other in "real life" Media corporations keep the advertising price so high that also only people with money can afford it.
You ned money to make money but if you invest it in here chances re prety good that you dont get any back and rather end up investing more and more into it just to make the whales bigger and bigger
I dont know if you can call STEEMIT a Ponzi but it is damn close to 1 imo
So my conclusion is
Steemit needs to make upvote count and $ count invisble at least for the first 24 hours
otherwise people will just upvote and comment on postings with already more votes and this will become more of a Casino than anything game changing
let me know what you guys think
I believe you need to have your own network of users / friends, once your network is big enough every will upvote for you, and i feel in time people with smaller wallets will cash in.. upvote for me and i will upvote for you. check mine out https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@edreno/introduction-to-steemit
why maybe, it makes financially seen, almost no sense to spend your time on a post where you cant earn anything right??
Brilliant, that's pretty close to how I feel about Steem!
Its amazing how people who feel they missed the want to come on and make accusations. They are people invested early and their investment paid off well. There was no guarantee that this would be as successful as it's been so far. Most of the whales are trying to promote Steem by voting users who are new to crypto so at times it may feel like lottery to some. It a combination of skill and luck to have a high paying post.
no its not an I explained why- its set up like a Ponzi, now a good comment would be what isnt a ponzi, well this alone doesnt make steemit better aand doesnt make it not a ponzi scheme. And of course whales are trying to get in more people why wouldnt they?
its actually more amazing how blind people can be if they want to, even with facts and if and whys in front of your face you accuse me of making accusations, now that shit is craazy, think about it
There's an old saying - "If something seems too good to be true. It usually is. " It's amazing how the gullible keep getting taken by these scams, but here's another angle they wouldn't consider. They may not invest much money, but spend a lot of time on steemit. What would be the benefit of achieving this for anyone, you may ask? That's where it gets really subtle, and incomprehensible for most young players. It's so people are kept distracted, and incapable of comprehending what's really happening, while a trap is laid. At this point, most of us can't comprehend anyone getting away with something so big, but they have in the past, and will keep doing it while we are kept dumbed down and in awe of authority figures - especially those we love in the entertainment industry. As Mark Twain said, "It ain't the things we don't know that get us into trouble. It's the things we know for sure, that just ain't so." The simple solution, that's not easy at all - is to - Prove all things - Hold fast that which is good. Better advice, is to do something real instead of wasting your time in the virtual world.