in #steem7 years ago


It may be that we can not live forever, but what we can do is encourage our aging by changing some eating habits or by applying some different routines in our life.

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A question that we should ask, if it is our interest to take care of our health, why governments currently allow so many prolific foods of diseases, which have been scientifically proven to cause cancer, and these get sold freely.

For approximately 30 years, and updated annually, the World Health Organization (WHO), publishes a series of lists of products and elements considered as harmful and causing diseases; in one of its updates published a list of stabilizers and preservatives and other foods that were scientifically proven to produce cancer, but none of the governments currently prohibits them due to the high consumption and income they receive from them.

It does not seem jarring to you that even though we know that some foods produce cancer and that the number of people dying of this disease grows daily, we continue to consume these foods.

The companies spend a lot of money for the advertising of these products, this is how they manage to increase their consumption in the population, but they do not tell you what they do in our organization, and that as the years pass due to the wrong consumption of these foods, we go losing our defenses, increasing the probability of suffering this or other diseases.

Reveal spoiler

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I think it is not a secret to anyone that the people of our ancestors had a better diet and therefore lived more, they did not eat processed foods, based on chemicals that we do not even know.

A bad diet will lead us to get sick constantly, change some eating habits can prevent this from happening and at the same time improve our quality of life prolonging our youth. Here some tips:

  • Refined sugar has 85% of chemical substances which are harmful to our brain and of course also to our bones, you can replace it with natural panels or honey, the latter much used by our ancestors.

  • The vegetables when we boil them, in their cooking, they lose from 50% to 70% the minerals that our organism needs. The raw vegetables reach to conserve the power of the vibratory energy that the plants possess, this is where their revitalizing action is born.

  • Try to eat foods high in fiber, such as rice, cereal or quinoa; These make the digestive system work better because fiber stimulates food in the intestine, leaving no residue of these in the body.

  • Do you take enough water daily? Being hydrated is always tremendously important if we want to have an excellent performance of our brain, since drinking water makes the cells receive enough oxygenated blood and therefore are constantly active. Not to mention that water is fundamental for the kidneys, which has the function of being the filter of our body; the kidney without the water could not supply the nutrients in our body and, on the other hand, eliminate the waste through the urine. In digestion, water plays a fundamental role since it dissolves the nutrients absorbed by the blood and transported to the cells. In the skin, it maintains elasticity and its tone; in women it is excellent for the elimination of stormy orange skin (cellulite), and also works as a lubricant for our muscles.

I could tell you about millions of benefits of drinking water, it is so much so that I will make a special post for it.
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Water is life

It is for all these reasons that your doctor, your friends, your co-workers, your parents, or by any means of information have heard that you must take at least two liters of water a day, believe me, the benefits of this are unique and necessary in your body.

  • Doing a little sport at least 30 minutes a day will make blood circulate better throughout the body, bringing nutrients to all parts of our body.

  • If it's about wanting to keep you young, the sun is your best ally. You can gather your 30 minutes of sports daily, with a good walk outdoors allowing the sun's rays to revitalize your skin.

In short, mitigate processed foods or those that have chemical elements, eat high fiber products, include vegetables to our menu, and if you stop cooking them even better, substitute refined sugar for natural panela or honey, exercise moderately enjoy from the sun, drink enough water a day, give thanks to the food and nutrients that enter our body, and maintain a positive attitude towards life; implementing these tips to our daily routines, will result in the prolongation of our youth.

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