FREE COINS - UPDATE - Mannabase - Universal Income

in #steem7 years ago

A few weeks ago I signed up for the first Universal Basic Income Cryptocurrency

It was founded en 2015 and is distributed by a tax-exempt non profit organization.
REFERRAL FOR a 50% bonus, it is better for YOU and ME if you use a referral link It is #free for everybody, you only need to sign and that's it


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HERE.You can learn more about #mannabase and read it's whitepaper

Here are the deposits of these last weeks

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So after 5 weeks I have now 17.47651 $MANNA

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Next payout is in 4 days

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And 1 $MANNA is equivalent to 0.0056 dlls... because it isn't available to trade in many exchanges, so we are the early adopters.

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So you will get each week a free amount of $MANNA just by signing up and you don't have to do anything else buy share with #family and #friends... you also want them to have #free $MANNA right?

Will give you a #MANNA update in 1 month.

Remember... Do your own research and always, always, always use stop/loss

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