Dear steemians.
As I made it through my first 30 days on this vibrant new platform today, I do feel the need to share my travel and talk about all what happened, all the emotions, what I learned, which mistakes I made, whom I have to thank and what I am looking forward to.
How I came to steemit.
I heard about steemit for the first time on a Curtis Stone episode on YouTube around January 3rd, where he talked about YouTubes stricter monitization rules and how he was thinking to jump on over here because one of his followers mentioned the platform to him. He also felt attracted to cryptocurrencies, as I understood, so steemit was an option for him. It was that simple side comment in a completely different content that caught my attention and that made me want to take a look… Ever since, for 30 days now, steemit belongs to my daily „internet chores“ and was my only „internet chore“ for several of these days....
What I came for.
Already having blogged about my transition to a more senseful, more abundant and more sustainable Permaculture life early in 2017 on Wordpress I had the whish to intensify my blogging again in 2018, as my old blog went dormant quite quickly because of my 2017 Permaculture Design Course that took all the free time I had as a husband and as a father of two preschool kids.
Steemit seemed ideal to jump into blogging again, as on first sight I discovered an abundance of Permaculture related homesteading folks that made me feel like I was in good hands. The content of all these (you) people was magnificent and I thought that not only I could make money by blogging about my favourite things, but also through comments, that I could fill with my fresh Permaculture knowlege, could contribute to the financial side of our family life.
All the love.
Upon setting my foot into steemit for the first time with my introduction-post I was confronted with such a huge avalanche of love and careing interaction that it felt quite overwhelming and I was so hoocked you can't believe. Resonating comments where popping out of every corner and I felt very sheltered by the #homesteadersonline community that dearest @bobydimitrov invited me into in the first hours of my steemian life. Upvotes where dropping in regularly and plentyful and likeminded steemians like @bobydimitrov, @squdsi1, @sagescrub, @schoonercreek, @theferalone and @stortebeker where very inspiring to me and a joy to read from and intercat with.
The dark side – ignorance is bliss.
With all the love I received there where dark clouds forming in the sky the deeper I entered this rabbit hole. It was a darkness that was the opposite of love, abundance and „sharing is caring“. It was the darkness of algorythm and the thrill of gambling with bots that made the second half of my first month long travel a very hard time for me.
As I learned more and more how this platform actually works I was introduced to more and more rules of the algorythm. I learned about VotingPower that drops and make you „weaker“, about the 30 minute rule that includes to be quick but not to quick to maximise financial outcome, I learned about the pecentages of curational payout not to mention tons of other details, bits and pieces.
Filled with all the complex knowlege and the urge to grow I stepped into a next rabbit hole whithin the first rabbit hole and started automated bidding, overwhelmed by the astronomical earnings of some users with sometimes daily posts. From @haejin to @sweetsssj I wanted to receive my part of their seemingly unfair high rewards and became myself a part in the vicious cycle. I even dedicated a whole week to almost pure automated bidding on these tempting posts with various minute settings to see which would be the best setting for curational outcome, just to learn about "vote dust filter" with $0.00 curational earnings and to feel extremely frustrated about all that stressful, wasted time and vests.
Light at the end of the tunnel.
Seeing my income shrink day by day, not only through my absurd use of bot voting power, but also due to the strong fall of STEEM on the markets in the first half of January I had to remember the sunny beginning of my trip, which was not only the most rewarding financial time, but also the most exciting time due to commenting, sharing and interacting.
I opened my feed for the first time in a while and there was @wwf reflecting on his 122 days to have become a dolphin with countless posts, comments and interactions, when it clearly dawned on me that this platform was not to be used by me as an rule based algorythmic money machine, but that it had to be used as a communication platform. This was the only way to make prolific abundance work for everyone.
I congratulated @wwf on his „fish metamorphosis“ and engaged in a very small conversation that I was rewarded with more $ than the entire week before (posting and bot-bidding together). I went to bed and enden my bot-gambling.
Ringing Rebirth.
Feeling dirty and tired after this week I woke up the next day to see in my wallet a generous donation of @ligayagardener, who out of nothing invited me to @steembasicincome. I felt very honored, happy and flattered and saw it like a hint of destiny to value the giving and sharing more than the bidding for the own wallet, so that I immediately engaged into spending my saved 6 SBD on my six most meaningful steemians so far and invited them into the @steembasicincome as well.
That done it only took an other night sleep for me to discover the second big surprise. Out of noting @wwf had not only overwhelmed me with two heavy duty post upvotes but also with 181 SP delegation!!!!! Now that was simply too much. I did not feel good about this. Here I was misusing steemit for a whole week to receive a double impact of some sort of unconditional love? This had to be a sign! I was happy, confused, flattered, sad, embarrest all at the same time and decided to restart my behaviour and actions here on steemit to resonate with my first steps on the platform. I kindly rejected @wwf delegation and was set to freely embrace this ocean of likeminded ecologists and socienty sculptors again, that practice inconditional love and support to their fellows.
As a way out of the "vote dust filter" I managed to invest a little real money into STEEM and SBD which did not bring me yet into an actionable STEEM POWER range but at least got me out of my bandwith problems and enabled me to interact again.
Don't use bots! You won‘t grow through curation! Only sincere communication makes you grow. I stopped my bot completely, only to reactivate it in case I know that I will be off steemit for more than 16 hours and to not waste Voting Power through supporting „my“ people rather than gambling with the hyped ones.
Looking forward to many more posts and discussions in the future dear steemians!
Thank you very very much for listening and I am very very curious if you made similar experiences or not!
All the best.
It's good to see that other people struggle with the same thoughts on Steemit. I've only been here a week and it's like trying to figure out who you want to be when you just want to be yourself. I'm constantly finding myself waffling back and forth between what I'd like to post and what I think will "work". Glad to see you have it pretty well worked out now. Thanks for sharing.
"it's like trying to figure out who you want to be when you just want to be yourself" puts it in the perfect words for my taste! In the end for me it was just going forth and back onhow and where I upvote, not on the content I post. Concearning the content it was always Permaculture related and will always be.
Thank you for your nice comment!Dear @qberry.
Hey @my-permaculture! Thanks for sharing your story of this wild ride! I have not used the bots before, I appreciate the warning to stay away from them! I can really appreciate that you came back to wanting to be inspired by community, love and sharing. If that is your priority and your ambition and money comes as a result of that, there is nothing wrong with that! We need money for the world we live in. In my opinion we shouldn't discard money as evil or dirty just because it can be attached to greed. Money is just a tool, just like steem is a tool.
I think it is a positive thing that you want to align your efforts and energy with positive interactions with people over the desire of money! If the world can only be more and more like that.... but I think that is why a lot of people are attracted to steemit, myself included. Because if shows us that another world is possible. It's a semi virtual world where we can each create the vision of what we want. And if it happens in here then it gives us hope that it's possible out there too.
Perhaps many of us are dreamers. I think the dream can be a reality. But it's hard work for us as individuals and as communities too. Great work that you are doing internally and on steem! I'm proud to know you here @my-permaculture :) You inspire me!
Dear @sagescrub.
Thank you for your comment. It means a lot to me as I am looking up to your elaborated way of living your Permaculture life and sharing it well here on steemit.
I started by using steemvoter and went over to steemdunk, as it had more free voting slots. In both bots you basically set the user to vote for and time plus percentage of upvote and on you go. I chose only high profile steemians, the more highbit post per day, the better and bid on every single post that came in with minimal percentage. Dozens of post a day where upvoted like this and all my voting power wasted this way. And also all my time went into it, by checking how I could fine tune the bot, exchange for higher rated steemians and so on. After a week I checked back on all post I voted for and saw the outcome. $0.00.... Haha well done! Can't believe how greedy I was. And the "vote dust filter" taught me a real losson!
Since this very post here I am back to only vote for my clan of people here and engage in conversations like this. Way more fun! Way more supportive for the right people! Way more earnings! Could it be better?
All the best. Till the next post!
All this new technology is so interesting. It allows us to try new things out, new communication and learn more about ourselves in the process.
Totally agreed! Our time on steemit is best spent doing what we love. After all we get paid to do what we love and to be ourselves. How much better can it get than that?
Glad to see you have made some changes and that you feel good about them.
Thank you dear @carey-page.
My dear friend, you have been on a huge learning curve and you came out the other side wiser. I now know more about why you turned down the delegation and it makes more sense to me. Thank you for the clarification. May your journey be blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love as you explore your relationships here and there.
Dear @wwf. Good you came by and read this. Thank you for all your support again!
You are welcome. Keep up the great work, by that I mean all the work that you are doing within! It will be reflected outwards and I foresee great works as a result. You are doing the hard stuff first which is the best way to do it! I have a great deal of respect for your ability to self evaluate and self reflect. Cherish that skill my friend. It is worth more than all the gold in the world.
Thank you @wwf! I still feel like I have a long way to go and effectively this way has no end, as we all know ;).. Yet it always feels good to get back on track after having gotten lost in the woods and meadows accompanying the path.
I'm with you there. I've ventured off the path many times myself. Self-discipline and a strong, burning desire to walk the path is what helps me find my way back. Bravo to you.
Very good reflected thoughts. It shows you've got a moral compass, which many people are lacking in these days. Thank you for that and your interesting content.
Dear @croctopus. I always had a moral compass. My entire life from childhood to grown up life with my own children I was guided by it. But still today and all along that way I find myself breaking out of its guidance to suffer the consequences immediately and to recorrect my orientation. It s aconstant play of readjustement, testing the boundaries and calibration with the people around you. All is in flux and will always be!
When it feels like you're not making any mistakes, it's usually a sign that you're not reflecting on your choices, actions and opinions anymore. You did acknowledge a mistake by writing this post and declining the delegation. That's what counts, not the small missteps which are inevitable. :)
You are completely right @croctopus. I understand "When it feels like you're not making any mistakes, it's usually a sign that you're not reflecting on your choices", yet I think the feeling of not making any mistakes can be also a sign for sovereign acting in perfect resonance.
Great post! I've always felt there's nothing wrong with playing with fire and even getting a bit burned if it makes us wiser!
ON THE POINT! (Like always ;)) Haha. You're also very right my friend! That's why I also let my two little girls play with the bonfire. Of course I stay close by, always vigilant, but I will not keep them from tiny pains, such as a small burn blister from a microscopic ember, as such a blister is often a better mentor than a warning parent... I hope this does not sound to cruel, but after having read your post from today I am shure you agree ;)..