Quora is Already Trembling and Moderators are DELETING Questions Regarding Steem!!!!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

As I was perusing Google for SteemIt related posts I came across this question...

How can I write on Quora when SteemIt exists? The link is below.


I was interested to know what the Quora community thought about this so I clicked in. What I found was a blank page saying the question had been deleted and this message...

 Questions can be undeleted by the question asker or Quora Moderation. 

So either the question maker deleted it (why?) or a moderator deleted it (more likely).

But it's a great question. Why would someone waste time on sites that don't value their contribution.

I would like to see SteemIt add a Quora like feature. I think it would be a great addition.

I feel the panic setting in from Quora already.....


Steemit will completely disrupt social media!

It's on it's way. That's for sure.

It already has.. well for us who know about it at least. :)

Let's watch Quora shake in their boots as we steem them alive!

Haha, I can't wait to 'steem' roll them

The big players will try to demonize Steemit soon. They say theres something illegal about to try and sour peoples opinions. That's when you know they are scared.

Hackers who own shares in the big players might want to disrupt Steem.

their moderation is our gain muahahahaha

Ain't that the truth.

I think you're reading too much into that one post. Most likely the question was deleted by the author because it was redundant or the moderator for being too vague or badly worded. I've had completely innocuous Quora posts flagged for quality reasons like that. The question "How can I write on Quora when SteemIt exists?" should be worded as "Why should I write on Quora when SteeIt exists?" assuming I'm interpreting the intent correctly

What's more there are dozens of Steemit related questions on Quora.


I never liked Quora. This is superb news.

Heard that.

Good comedy

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment