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RE: Meanwhile...steem is pumped for good

in #steem6 years ago

there aren't that many people who trade cryptos, and ontop of that, the market is very transparent since there are no short sellers. So the price can shoot up simply because of the trading dynamic. Perhaps some even trading among themselves to create the fake appearance of a rally to draw people in. You are right that there is no real reason for a rally. Cryptos don't usually make sense anyway. But the trading channel has been very good for active traders.

I've got funds ready to go, but its hard to optimize the timing.


A couple of weeks back seemed a lot better timing to purchase steem (if steem is what we are talking about only) but human greed (mine too) hoped that we ll go even dipper (like .63$ steem wasn't a bargain)

I have funds ready to go too but i think I will wait a couple more days

LOL, when steem breached 0.63 for a few hours at best, I wanted to jump on it but life got in the way and I thought "hey, itll go lower!' and were not close to $1.

I'm waiting, too, but am ready to go if it dips.