As you can all see, a Bear market is strong these days, Bitcoin bubble popped and the consequences of that are big for the whole crypto ecosystem. While some only see the ruins of once vibrant and potent market, some will see new opportunities to make it big in the future. Human mind is tricky, we all buy into the hype and buying exuberance, and once the hype is gone you will sell on the bottom, those are textbook trading noob mistakes, and people never learn.
My tip for every newcomer to this scene is to go hard on this platform which is right now still in it's beta phase, now is you chance to earn cheap Steem, price can easily drop to bellow a dollar per one Steem, this is where you can make a big buck in the future, you've all seen a high of 8$, next high will be 16$, you be the judge if getting that Steem while it's worth a buck is worth it.
My tip is fire up your writing cylinders and start producing that quality content. If you see a great future for Steem blockchain you should invest your time here, if not Steem blockchain will continue to produce those blocks, with or without you.
There are many spammers, bad writers, scammers and greedy fucks populating this platform right now, for the love of great spaghetti monster don't let them win.
Once the communities and SMT's get released, even in full on bear market you will see a fundamental strength of Steem blockchain, we will steam roll every scam and wannabe coin out there.
Steem will get that Ultra instinct, believe you me!
i really hope what you say come true...i'm really disappointed with the current price of STEEM and of course with the whole crypto-world...i do believe crypto will recover...i don't know if STEEM reach 16$ but even if it gets back to 8$ i will be very happy
You know the tops are there to be broken? :)
Yeah, this is the time to really write and produce quality content. I am sorry to see a lot of people discouraged by the bear when they could easily use it their advantage. With spaghetti monsters blessing, of course :D
I only wish curation is better on the platform, I see a lot of great writers not being rewarded enough. The struggle of being new on the platform I guess.
You say struggle, I say journey :D Everything comes with persistence. I think that if a person produces quality content, sooner or later he or she will get rewarded for it. If they don't get tired of waiting and quit in the meantime hihihi. I hope they don't, that we don't, that I don't... :)
You are quickly becoming a pro :)
A very motivational article :) I noticed many people stopped writing and upvoting...and I think this is a good chance for baby planktons like me to be more visible :) I believe in the power of Steemit and I think I will invest a little if the price goes below 1$
Watch out when investing your own money. Market conditions could become even more apocalyptic, price of one Steem could drop all the way down to 10cents, although I doubt it would go down that much. So if you plan to buy some Steem it is better do it in parts, for example invest half when the price goes to 1$, save the other half in case it goes down more, you will end up with more Steem that way. And just like that you can become a trading pro. Nice to meet you btw :)
Oh nice to meet you too :)) Thank you for the support on my posts and also for this advice. You are right, it's better to split the money. If it falls to 10 cents then you are maybe talking to a future whale right now 😂😎
Np. That's the whole point of this network, we back each other up :)
Jeez, people upset steem is 'low' but it is over $1? The vast majority of 2017 it was well under $1.
The correct answer to Steem on or off is always on!
Don't these new people realize that people like you or I have so much STEEM because we never stopped - no matter the price?
You and me are like Steem Tardigrades, we were alive and strong while steem was at 10 cents :) Nothing can stop us.
Cannot agree more. STEEM is going up, STEEM is going down, it doesn't matter, we have to grind that Steem Power. :D
ya cheers. I'll continue trying. it's can be hard with the torrent of bad writing. 'trending' breaks my heart.
As for BTC, its clear there was a bubble and it popped back in February. disbelief still reigns about this basic fact. but, there can be more than one bubble. hopefully it picks up again at the end of the year. if it does, I'll sell all my assets this time around, to buy back in after the next bubble.
Oh yeah the bubble is shrinking and it can shrink even more. Once the the calm seas return another bubble will form, this time probably the largest bubble ever seen.
lol i hope. i got in dec/jan so im fucked and down 80%. im thankful i didn't put much in to begin with
You are one of those "suckers" that bought at the top. Sorry, but so many more fell into a same trap like you, my cousin for example invested a lot of fiat at the top. He now needs to wait and hope the markets will will bounce, I'm sure they will, but man what a bad timing.
oh yeah. i bought at the door, not knowing i was walking into a god damn fire :)
i agree with you walker
Super Saiyan stage 1 atm :)
very good article
thanks for sharing !!