I come to the conclusion that all this price scandal was designed by some people on this community to others sell their steems with low prices so at the end they will take control over community and turn price up as they wish.
How they make price low:
They arranged a meeting as a big whales to plan a conspiracy against you as a second victim and their worst enemy--a big whale, but with different thoughts-- they have been playing in price, they are selling steem on trade platforms to each other. So, they want to destroy us psychologically. And when they achieve their purpose, they will play again to raise price, even up to 10 dollars.
You know I frankly doubt your theory, but if it is true it won't hurt me I only have about 400 Steem, and I'm not planning on selling it, in fact I mean to be adding to it post by post, comment by comment a little at a time, so should it go up to $10.00 I just might make a nice profit here. It has cost me nothing except writing which I have found enjoyable and a few discussions which I have found rewarding.
So @money-talks I'd suggest you look at it this way, and don't get rid of your steem, and thanks for bringing this up.
Well I do love a good conspiracy theory! I hope the whale cabal knows that we're going to keep posting regardless of the price of STEEM!