Grateful for your post and your genuine concern.
I am enthralled by Steemit and the incredible potential it has to be part of a shift in consciousness in humanity. There is so much that can be accomplished here but hurdles and challenges must be overcome first. Or... well another platform will step in. That's the way of things.
I have a simple concept I call Cooperative Abundance, whereby we lift each other up, we sustain and encourage each other, we work within a system voluntarily for the benefit of those who are self-responsible and are willing to work, ourselves included.
Abundance will not be just monetary but will be seen in the development of human potential wether in the arts or science or writing, etc. Abundance of friendship and community, and care and support are included.
To be forthright, I see blockchain technology as a means of freeing humanity from the age-old domination of the elite few. I see it as a way to create a new paradigm for humanity... one that no longer needs war, and violent behavior in the banking system or in corrupt capitalism.
People like you and many others here on Steemit who see a greater vision will thrive and will also help others to do the same.
Indeed, if Steemit can institute this Vision of Cooperative Abundance it too will thrive. If Steemit chooses to remain in a lower level of consciousness where the incentive is to trample on others vs lifting each other up then it will go the way of the world...ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Many blessings, may you be at peace.
Ha! Just gave you my .04 cent upvote. Kinda funny isn't it? But this is 25% of my total vote, and I must budget my votes so I can help others in this very tiny, tiny way. So obviously, it's not about the $$ but rather that I want to give what I can to you for your efforts.