
That's right, although Poloniex has disabled deposits so you can't sell your SBD for $2.40. On Bittrex the SBD price is currently $1.72.

The issues of SBD/steem on poloniex are mysterious. The spreads between the various exchanges normally wouldn't exist if arbitrage was possible.

Absolutely agree. SBD's value is crazy right now. I made the mistake of converting mine to STEEM at the $1 rate without realizing first that this is how the system works. Lesson learned.

Hello. Sorry. I am new on steemit. How do i purchase Steem dollars or steem itself. I need help. Thanks in advance @penguinpablo

You can buy Steem with Bitcoin using @blocktrades:

Or you can buy Steem on an exchange:

gotta love steems internal market and concept of price arbitrage! You could just hangout on the internal SBD/Steem market and make mony here all day! Haveing just two coins too trade and no btc makes it very simple and this can teach peoople on steemit how to trade! They can then move on and trade on poloniex with alot more coins! but i can see steemit internal market expanding to have more cooins! like btc! ad ethereum! soon we wont need poloniex!!!!