I've held my tongue and never once mentioned it even after MONTHS of regular downvotes from this person, but the time to speak up has come.
These people who do NOTHING for the platform except resteem a couple articles, and who NEVER POST anything of their own--so that someone might choose to treat them to some of their own medicine, or to at least have a way to ask why they are doing what they do-- BUT WHO ONLY DOWNVOTE PEOPLE for no stated reason, have got to be hardforked into civil behavior, somehow.
I've suggested many options for dealing with people like this, including a minimum number of "proof of participation" points (in providing something of value in order to be able to downvote,) or a limit on daily/weekly/monthly down votes, or something. Just because you happen to have money and can buy steem willy nilly should not give you the right to destroy another's intellectual property without cause, argument, rebuttal, comment...or....anything.
It's not quite BernieSanders level of insanity, but it's close:
I am calling on the good people of Steemit to rally against both the @bloom style of nastiness AND the automated/programmed nastiness of people like @BernieSanders, so as to limit the ruination of others with whom they simply may have ideological differences by hardforking in some reasonable prerequisites that can take the edge off of this type of blatant abuse of the forum.
The last time bloom commented he/she stated exactly why they were doing this. It's not the NSA, or Bernie, or a vaccine company, or any other self important reason you conspiracy retards state. It's someone showing their displeasure with you anti science retards in the fastest way possible, a flag.
Your opinions are not worth debating, get over yourself.
Which HF gave people the ability to delete stuff from the blockchain? This is news to me.
Oh, mad because the consensus mechanism sometimes doesn't turn in your favor. Since when is downvoting for no reason "bad" behavior? Isn't one of the rules of the game? It's not like they are destroying your property, they are assisting the blockchain in finding "fair" value for your content.
It's an interesting strategy, but think about it, they aren't making author rewards so what this this threat mean to them? Even if they were forced to post and downvoted, they wouldn't really lose anything... Reputation is basically meaningless and they probably care less about their content's visibility since they don't make content, they downvote.
Like I said, you are under heavy attack by Bernie and all his pro-vax trolls most likely hired by Big Pharma SMH. This asshole has flagged my vaccine posts too along with a couple others. Steemit sucks because you can't block these trolls. This is why I'm most likely not going to be posting much anymore. Until Steemit changes I'm most likely not going to invest anymore time in this site.
You’re a fucking retard.
I hear ya, bro. Thanks for the post and be well wherever the ether takes you...
It appears you re in a fairly elite group of people the account downvotes. http://steemreports.com/votes-graph-enhanced/?accounts=bloom
I love steemreports, it helps you realize when the pople you support do not support you back, very helpful.
http://steemreports.com/votes-graph/?accounts=fishyculture%2C+mepatriot http://steemreports.com/votes-graph/?accounts=fishyculture%2C+mepatriot
Hmmm...that's a very cool tool.
I'd have thought he had more enemies than that. He certainly seems to do everything possible to collect them.
'might is right', 'you can leave if you like'...blah blah blah...
...and if these accounts were all part of the same leftist postmodernist cabal...?
No proof of ID... No proof of ownership of accounts..No proof of anything.
OR...intel agency?
Crossed my mind, yeah..
For all intents and purposes, I look at it as a 'financial model experiment' - for whatever the reasons behind it.
Dan Larimer worked for 'America's military-industrial complex, working on defense projects'.. then he magically invented Steem immediately there after. It is safe to say this is a test pilot for something in the future by the deep state. It will appear like a perfect flawless utopia of crypto and blockchain. But it will be the ultimate way to control everyone. A 1984 nightmare from the pits of hell. Steem 2.0. by another name. As it appears this was a social experiment/test net for something much bigger.
Welcome to hell.
"Personal life
Larimer's father is Stan Larimer, who worked for Boeing, and with whom he founded Cryptonomex Inc., a blockchain technology consulting business.[4] He received his Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2003.[5] After launching a virtual reality startup that failed, he worked in the defense, robotics and automation industries.[3] His interest in blockchains began in 2009, around the time Bitcoin was invented.[2][1]"
Where does little Ned fit in.. that is the big shocker.. and it is coming to YouTube very soon. ;)
Hmmm....Food for thought, for sure. Thanks!
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Is that video you mentioned there yet?
Daniel Larimer
Daniel Larimer is a software programmer and cryptocurrency entrepreneur. Larimer created the cryptocurrency platform BitShares, co-founded the blockchain Steem, and is currently CTO of Block.one, a company involved with the development of EOS. Larimer was also the creator of the DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake Algorithm) consensus algorithm and Graphene technology. In February 2018, Forbes estimated Larimer's net worth between $600 to $700 million.
Come to WeKu dude! Bloom works for the whales!
Confirmed, or...?
I'm pretty sure from experiences in the past that all his VP is delegated- probably one of bernie's bots but I can't confirm. Go to his wallet and see how much of his VP is delegated. Also don't be too surprised if Ned & the devs are behind a lot of these lefty shills
That wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I posited once that 50 people could be running the whole shit show...and got flagged for ages after that...mmmm
You can contact us at ncac#4596 on discord if you want the most shocking info of all. All backed up with blockchain links. No gossip. Just cold hard facts. You will not believe what exists on this chain. And the sad truth is most people just never bother to look. They must think we are all pretty stupid. At any rate if you ever want to have a look for yourself feel free to drop me a line bro. The people in your comments are right on the money.
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No results when searching at discord for ncac#4596
Let me check I have the numbers correct. One sec please.
Yes those are the correct letters/numbers. Perhaps because we do not share a group server. I can temporarily join one so we can connect. Are you with OneLoveDTube? I will join just to connect, and then leave once we make contact. Failing that try once more to ensure there was not a typo. Talk soon. Thank you Patriot.
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They arent people just bots by one person or small group. Until more mass adoption arrives here or circlejerks disband just for people to feel good the problems will not be resolved.
Posted using Partiko Android
#bloom's M.O. is unique though. Not saying he/she/it doesn't work for the same agency, or something, but I don't think it's another berniebot.
I received hundreds of notifications yesterday because hit bots delete their comments when you flag them. Have any tech info on what happens when you do this? I read somewhere that comments can not be deleted when they receive an upvote. I wonder if it is the same for flags. I also would see if it is just hidden but not deleted.
Posted using Partiko Android
I don't know anything much about programming, or this site's specific structure. I DO KNOW THAT MYSELF AND OTHERS have even had our upvotes ILLEGALLY (because it's pure theft in anyone's book) turned into downvotes, in addition to all this more standard programmed B.S.
.....the philosphical dilemma I pointed out (which no one listened to, but is coming home to roost).
The rewards pool belongs to no one - ergo - you can't have theft without the property rights principal applying....and if it's no ones property?
....Which then raises the same question from the opposite side of the coin - if it belongs to no one, then what right does anyone have to use it..(vote etc)?
It's an oligarchical structure where ethical codes mean nothing, and might is right...('code is law')
I'm tired of this place.
So, leave, retard.
Yea...unless they clean up the purely ideological and programmed downvoting, and put some type of logical limitations in place, there isn't much of a positive future here for anyone but the abusers.
Fucking retard.
it's...it's....it's....almost as if it's been designed that way...
Bloom was delegated to literally by Steem. Therefore it is safe to assume you are literally dealing with Steem. They are alt left and find any way they can to go after people of particular beliefs. Failing that they go after many people just to gobble up their rewards. Any reason really. If they do not have a reason they will just invent one. At any rate I just wanted to help show you who Bloom is. Rest assure as can be seen in the link here you are being targeted because of your Christian faith/Political Views/Opinions/Beliefs.
Take care friend.
One last thing. You can learn a little more about the proud 'book burner' aka STEEMIT here :)
I came back to add that @highimpactflix whom is a follower of this account by the way was chased off of Steem by the bullies/flaggots. He has 561,000 + Followers on YouTube alone!!! And now he has stopped posting here due to the flags. And he will not be referring his well over half million followers to Steem either. Then we have @RT-International. They have been repeatedly down voted by the Flaggots since joining.. risking them turning their back on Steem.. they have 3.4 MILLION followers on YouTube alone. Imagine if they write a post about the close mindedness of Steem/Steemit to their loyal followers? It is no wonder the price of Steem is so low and continues to drop every day. I am telling you this current platform is a fast sinking ship. I strongly advise people to get their money out while they can. As Ned/Steem/Steemit is pulling out hundreds of thousands every day via many accounts. As well as their main accounts. This place is nothing but a s%%T show.
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