I'm having a hard time being fair to the memers of this platform. I am of course, like all others a result of circumstance and cultural bias, and the consciousness that I identify as me, struggles to see the effort and merit of memes. Now I must say before somebody imagines choking the life out of me, that I'm talking about the practical truth and not the hypothetical.

Internet memes are an effective tool used to communicate with the younger generations, they are studied by markets and this is not a secret to anyone who cares to google the information. In other words, memes are today's most effective vessels of communication and have long replaced any method we may attempt to label traditional.
As the word "tool" implies they are by themselves neither harmful or harmless and attempting to make a case for either position is probably counter productive. On the other hand we can attempt to make a case for the lack of understanding of the concept and for the mislabeling of memes.
You might be surprised to know that memes are not necesarily a new thing. Its a concept as old as society that has received a conceptual upgrade in recent years. I'm not a stickler for dictionary definitions, but...

I suspect the lower portion following the * is evidence of the social amendment.
So by its own definition an image with words is not a meme, a funny image with words is also not a meme, the condition that must be met is its viral like social adoption. This is also nothing new, we may not have thought about it due to it being cataloged as too obvious for consideration, but recent events have made me explore these ideas.
Yes, its true we are in love with the silly images, we care not if they are viral, but that they make us and a few others laugh. Most of what we call memes are only funny to people who are in on the joke, thus making them imposible to become viral. The question becomes, what are they? Does the current definition need more revisions?
I will say it bluntly because I want to be clear... How hard is it to copy paste?
But, I want to be fair and accept that there is a large group of individuals that will disagree with me. Their experience on this platform is as important as mine. I'm simply asking for input, clarification and ideas that I have failed to consider.
(signature by @bembelmaniac )

In theory
Internet memes are an effective tool used to communicate with the younger generations, they are studied by markets and this is not a secret to anyone who cares to google the information. In other words, memes are today's most effective vessels of communication and have long replaced any method we may attempt to label traditional.
As the word "tool" implies they are by themselves neither harmful or harmless and attempting to make a case for either position is probably counter productive. On the other hand we can attempt to make a case for the lack of understanding of the concept and for the mislabeling of memes.
You might be surprised to know that memes are not necesarily a new thing. Its a concept as old as society that has received a conceptual upgrade in recent years. I'm not a stickler for dictionary definitions, but...

I suspect the lower portion following the * is evidence of the social amendment.
So by its own definition an image with words is not a meme, a funny image with words is also not a meme, the condition that must be met is its viral like social adoption. This is also nothing new, we may not have thought about it due to it being cataloged as too obvious for consideration, but recent events have made me explore these ideas.
In practice
If worth or value can be given to a meme, it makes sense the value would be given to the originator of the meme, the mind or minds who came up with the viral idea. This however is not the case and between confusion and illusion we call people who share the memes, memers and content creators. In my book this is as silly as thanking the mailman for the letter my mom wrote me for my birthday last year.Yes, its true we are in love with the silly images, we care not if they are viral, but that they make us and a few others laugh. Most of what we call memes are only funny to people who are in on the joke, thus making them imposible to become viral. The question becomes, what are they? Does the current definition need more revisions?
Along comes The Steem Blockchain
And in my view, it throws a monkey wrench into any ideas I may hold on "merit". As I told someone arguing for plagiarism with typical whataboutisms, we should all attempt to land both feet upon a surface of reality. My personal views on copyrights does nothing to change consensus, and if most of the world believes in intellectual property to some degree, to the point of creating a blockchain based on "proof of brain" it would be extremely hard to declare yourself consistent in your declared rebellion against it.I will say it bluntly because I want to be clear... How hard is it to copy paste?
But, I want to be fair and accept that there is a large group of individuals that will disagree with me. Their experience on this platform is as important as mine. I'm simply asking for input, clarification and ideas that I have failed to consider.

(signature by @bembelmaniac )
Here again with my spattering of disorganized input 😀
Communication: I believe we create memes for the same reason we use and create emoji: to try to add non-verbal aspects of the meaning we hope to communicate.
Sometimes I think we make them and share them just for comedic value.
On the copyright issue, if a meme uses a picture in a way that changes or criticizes the meaning, it is a new work under copyright. For instance, a photo of Donald Trump with a Taco Tupe is fair use. Many cases are built to why that is, and photographers (myself included) just need to accept that their ownership is belief based and while protected in some cases by the government; in the absence of government to protect it, it would only exist in belief- kind of like Santa Clause.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy copyright exists while it does. Heyyyy I'm getting paid. But I'm not attached to the concept.
Memes I think have value as a meme simply due to covalue. Similarly, the Steem blockchain often expresses it defines value as that which multiple others validate. Self-validating and buying validation doesn't count in the same way some people don't believe self-love is really possible and all love is only extrinsic.
I personally see self-love as validating. Likewise, I believe something has value to ME even if I alone see value in it.
Side question of if copy and pasting a meme alone to share it on the blockchain is, in itself, contributing valuable content: I would say, yes. However, not to me! But to someone!
I certainly would see value if a meme creator of an original meme made one of their own and posted it to the blockchain for the first time.
I certainly see value in adding memes, emojis, pictures, gifs, and other sensory data to a communicative piece to bring meaning, tone, depth, and other factors to help with the content being comprehended the way it is intended to by the author of the post.
So to me, it's not that they're used, but how I guess. I'm also open for argument of all sides on how people feel about the various aspects of using them, making them, etc.
I personally use gifs, emoji, pictures, etc. in my posts for the purpose of adding non-verbal nuances to my posts. Maybe it's because I'm insecure about my writing or ability to organize ideas? Very possibly. Its not out of laziness though. And I admit, I'm a visual learner, and I have sensory differences than neurotypical persons.
As always excellent points Omi... I guess the main thing to extrapolate out of this is the "tool" analogy, the use and misuse of said tool.
To make my case a little stronger, let me present some ugly evidence.
This same image was shared a million times before the post and I'm sure its been shared a million more times. @dmania gave it $33 SBD ... with that your honor, I rest my case.
Hey Dude... im totally with you... in my opinion MEMEs are "MAYBE" a funny stuff but are they really as worth as a good written conent??
I dont think so...
At first most of the Pics are stolen... or completly copied and pasted... so ist it really content.. okay yes it is content but not self made...
another one is to make his own Pictures and do a funny thing about it... thats OWN made Stuff and this has to be honoured ...
So there a really hard warline between that ones which use content out of the open net and this ones which really do a NEW content...
But at the end im still saying "to do a meme" isnt that same worth as a good written content.....
I make memes and share them, some of them are a combination of various images into one then i comment over the composite picture, sometimes its just a comment over a picture. The way i put them together can differ also, from a thought needing an image or an image that makes me think of something comical, thoughtful, etc.
I think memes get a bad wrap because they are easily copy and pasted, but they are an art form to put together, one i may not be that good at, but still an art form, lol. Im not really concerned if the go viral or not, they are generaly made for a particular audience of my friends so as long as they get a kick out of it im cool with it.
I hear you... maybe we need a new word, for the none viral ones, maybe semantics is the answer for the first time! hahahah a
lol, i think it comes down to if they are rip offs, plagiarizing someones work with a copy and paste is hella different from making a meme from scratch using pictures and writing to convey a message.
To compare, if someone makes a collage with pictures, letters and words cut out of magazines and news papers its is an art work (or a ransom letter, lol), this is a similar thing, but in a digital medium. This does not mean i take it as serious as that, but i could understand that for some people it would be seen that way... oh and before anyone states "collage is not art" feel free to explain that to my year 9-12 school programs as i had to do a bunch of them for art class.... lol.
My entire life is one big meme. Hence FML
Awesome post @meno well written