It could be some intern posting because what he posts are mainly YT his videos. But that he has an account at all is quite remarkable. Zhao and Buterin deserve a slap in the face for feigning the level of ignorance suggested by the two tweets. As if they didn't know about Steem, my ass.
I'm guessing Buterin is simply acutely aware that Ethereum has serious trouble scaling and how embarrassingly Crypto Kitties caused the chain to grind to a halt. Advertising Steem as a solution here would highlight the current woes of Ethereum. Anyway, we should all be out there spreading awareness of Steem when the likes of Butering say the blockchain space should try its hand in blockchain-based content delivery.
And yes, using Steem does not exclude championing for any crypto project. We're really not even in competition against each other. The space is so tiny relative to everything else.
Ver only complains when he is censored on mainstream.
He’s his own brand of maximalist (for BCH). He doesn’t care about Steem either.
If you want more name dropping @fluffypony of Monero has an account here too.
They know, but they’d rather this project not succeed.
@aantonop is legit. He's just squatting his own name though, doesn't post.
I guess we will know Steem has made it when he does. Lol