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RE: "Code Is Law (Only When I Want, Otherwise It's Abuse)" - The Shaming Syndicate Of Steemit - Our Own Brand of SJWs & Social Repression

in #steem7 years ago

I've been witness to a lot of flag wars. Someone with an massive amount of Voting power upvoted me regularly, and so I followed them. I was exposed to feeds about these voting wars regularly. And while I'm definetly not trying to name drop them, I felt really uncomfortable with what I was being exposed to. Wars about who should be flagged and who shouldn't insults and extremely vulgar stuff.

As a creative and active content post and blogger, Seeing that kind of stuff really disturbed me. I thought that steemit was about creating content and community, you know?

Although I never experienced being flagged, I did lose a bigger follower when I posted a freebie for posters. He thought that I was part of a problem with steemit when I was simply trying to help promote steemit as a platform. I wasn't flagged or anything like that, but it really sucked... I worked hard on that content to help everyone, not just myself, and it felt terrible to be penalized because of it.

When I look at steemit, I see a blog. A way to get rewarded by sharing content and experiences at no cost to anyone. And Idk, I guess it really sucks that other people don't see it that way.

Either way, I'll keep on doing what I'm doing. Content creation and showing off that steemit is an excellent platform for sharing creativity.

Thanks for the post lexiconical.