
They are fun :) If you want to make an alt, doing it before HF20 is a good idea. Before HF20 you can make one for just 3 Steem account creation "fee", but that 3 steem actually stays in the account as Steem Power. It is essentially free to create the account. After HF20 the account creation fee is "burned" (the Steem is destroyed). Of course 3 Steem isn't a huge amount in the first place, but just sayin'. If you do want to make a new account quick like, here is the link (just put 3.000 Steem in the Steem box, put your new account name in the account name box and make sure you save the password before you pay the 3 steem with steemconnect!):

Is there really any point for multiple accounts? I'm perfectly content just sharing what I want to share from this one :)

~ Mako

For a newer account like yourself there probably isn't much reason to have an alt account. For me personally it was one of the things I liked about Steem compared with, say, Facebook - I started creating alt accounts right off the bat and have had a ton of fun with it. I have a... LOT of accounts LOL I only listed a few of them here. What I enjoy is assuming the personality of an alt account, an alter ego basically, almost an acting exercise in a way. See e.g. my @beelzebub account. I was having a lot of fun posting and commenting as a good natured devil. I put that account to bed though because I kept on running into people who were genuinely offended at the very name @beelzebub. My posting as @cyclops scratches the same itch for me but doesn't seem to offend anyone :)