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RE: "I Got Downvoted!?! It's Not Fair! Can You Help Me???"

in #steem6 years ago

Hahah. Are you for real?

Please, understand how this system works before you start thinking theft is taking place because of a downvote. I suggest reading the white paper to start. Any value displayed in the UI prior to the seven day payout is just a potential reward. It’s not your property so no theft happens when votes (up or down) determine consensus for the payout amount.

And no, that’s not “all that matters” because the quality of the Proof of Brain outcome impacts the value claim of the entire blockchain. If it works well, STEEM may go up in value. If not, people may sell and go elsewhere. We all have incentive to see curation work correctly to bring good content to the top.

Also, it’s kind of weak to give an unrelated reply to a upvoted comment just to get visibility. Keep in mind, everything you say on a blockchain is recorded forever. Reputation matters.


'Industrial scale'? The odd dozen users, most of whom don't have huge voting power and risk retaliation. It's all a personal choice by people who think Steem can be better than it currently is.

'Theft'? Here's a site that effectively gives you free money if people like what you do. They can also decide you are over-rewarded and reduce the rewards. No criminal action involved. It's how Steem was designed.

You got caught out and you're not exactly winning friends.

At what? I hope you are not threatening anyone. That's a dangerous path

I'm voting for those who do this good work. I would flag anyway and I still often do without rewards.

What's your 'point' (if we are adding quotes things)?

His point is that he has no idea how anything works in a "decentralized" environment.

He wants his cake and eat it too.

Are you referring to steamcleaners? I remember how much spam, identity theft, and ridiculousness was around here prior to cheetah and steemcleaners. It was a total mess. If you have a grievence, these systems have appeals processes in place. The fact that you think "theft" was involved already tells me you don't understand how this system works and are a bit confused. That said, I'm willing to hear you out. Send me a link explaining what you're so upset about.