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RE: Clarifying my decision not to support EOS-related posts and witnesses (100% of post rewards donated to curation initiatives)

in #steem7 years ago

Yes, I was replying to Tom who said I was wrong and so I wanted to clarify my position.

If we start making decisions about "hours worked" instead of value delivered, then we're going to lower the value of contributions to STEEM. I have no fear-based mentality. If people don't think I provide value, they won't vote for me. They chose to vote for me up to this point (over 5,000 accounts, 7,000 if you include proxy voters, from what I've been told) and some will chose to change their vote as well, as Tom did. I'll simply present my case and keep doing what I've been doing and let others decide if it's valuable.


There are 100 people on this page citing it bad to dual operate. But I can't make you any more aware of community sentiment than to have it laying here all around you.

Your opening statement is a logical fallacy though. And a pretty basic one.

I said I would take the guy who would perform better, more of the time. Your assertion he can't work a full shift and deliver at par or even better too is ridiculous and needs no further comment.

Taking a leadership stance isn't always about going along with the masses. I think being directly involved in multiple projects makes me better understand the space in general and how we can improve STEEM. That's speaking for myself, not others. I'm not sure which opening statement you're referring to. Discrediting my views as "too ridiculous" isn't part of healthy dialogue. Maybe some examples could help: Richard Branson, Elon Musk, etc. They are involved in many things. Are they better off for it or worse off?

(I'm not claiming to be anywhere near these legends, I'm just using it as an example to say the concept is not immediately worth ridiculing.)

Oh jesus Luke.

Point by point.

  1. "going with the masses" - you dont get to PICK to be a leader here bro ,the MASSES pick you, and they are screaming hell no to the split personality witness/bp bs, hello?

  2. Every entrepreneur you mentioned owns all their shit in the same company, our company metaphor is steem or eos. You want to work on steem and dtube and dlive? Fine You want to work for youtube and vimeo? Yeah, no. Hello? Are you even awake yet today?

  3. Opening ridiculous statement: If we start making decisions about "hours worked" instead of value delivered, then we're going to lower the value of contributions to STEEM.

If you only work part time and there are fulltimers outperforming you, which was the premise you ignored to try and sound smart again, well, you sound ridiculous, and if you are still gonna cry about how people talk to you, using the word "leadership" in a sentence makes me chuckle.

How long have you been the career world, kid, about ten minutes?

IMO, your continued condescension is childish. Why can't you type respectfully when engaging in dialogue with me? You don't talk to me this way in person or on air. Why here?

  1. I didn't say "I" get to pick anything. If my decision to be involved in multiple projects in the cryptocurrency space is seen as a threat or decreasing the value I deliver here, then they will vote. There have been times in the history of STEEM (such as "The Experiment") that were hugely unpopular by the masses but ended up causing change and later being something many changed their minds on and appreciated. That's leadership.
  2. The point wasn't about ownership (neither you nor I "own" this blockchain). It was about time spent on multiple disciplines which seems to be the crux of your argument. I seem EOS and STEEM as separate blockchains with separate goals. There will be multiple competing applications of all kinds on them and within them. I don't see a problem there as long as the value output is real.
  3. You keep making comparisons to "part time" and "fulltimers" as if that matters. The only thing that matters "outperforming." That's it. It's all about the value delivered. If some people can do that in the tenth of the time as others, so be it.

Your language with me is condescending and disrespectful. Examples:

Oh jesus Luke.
Hello? Are you even awake yet today?
if you are still gonna cry
How long have you been the career world, kid, about ten minutes?

You already know the answer to that last question, so why use passive aggression to ask it here?

Why do you revert to this language? How does it benefit you? You were respectful and passionate on air, thanked me for joining your show, and asked me to return to your community and then you talk like this? Why would I bother engaging with someone who doesn't respect me?

You didnt make such ridiculous assertions on the air, maybe because you didnt have as large an audience to try and fool and impress?

Had to replace this comment made with the wrong project account, because as usual, I was working on things for the users of the platform and prepping for value added, user retaining, engaged activities. Good thing I didn't use my EOS account roflmao, cause people here would obviously hate to see that, though that may not be so obvious to you, despite you being surrounded by it.

Keep crying about how people talk to you, it's pretty funny to watch that weakness and insecurity reveal itself.

To the best of my ability, I use the same language and make the same claims whether in text, in person, or over voice chat. From my personal experience with you, I would not say the same about you.

My message has never changed. You just don't seem to be able to handle the heat in the kitchen, so you fall back on that every time, and still really, the "what do you do" question remains answered only with "I made half as many posts as you per day over my time here" or something. It's hard to say, because when ever you get uncomfie, you fall back on trying to attack my delivery or my character instead of actually ever proving anything.

It's tiresome. 35 years in tech and I've seen so many young, arrogant know-it-alls. Life will eventually hand you a lesson. It will be a shame to watch.

Could not have said it better @lukestokes. This dude has ego problems, can't talk like an adult without spiting venom...