
If only it was that simple. The problem is that others see it. I can not look at it but knowing that anyone coming here is seeing this crap makes me very concerned.

yea, ik, that's also my problem with it.-

but I still try to encounter it with humour :)

That is the best course of action. lol

Yeah, the main problem is with people not logged in and who don't have accounts. It's the public face for what's available for content on steem.

I know Sometimes when my feed is slow I think about going over on trending, then I realize I will find something that will just make my blood boil so I decide to go on another social media site instead.

damn - you prefer fakebook over steem trending page?

Not necessarily, I hop around on different blog pages mostly on blogger through the Disqus platform. I blog on FB local news sites as that's how they set up their blogging platforms. They figure if people have to come out as who they are they are more likely to behave better....which from what I've seen is questionable. lol.